The SwSE research focus is on Evolving Critical Systems. These systems change over time (“evolving”), are strategically important to their users or owners (“critical”), and are often significantly software intensive (“systems”).
These systems must be predictable and reliable, while operating in environments that demand flexibility due to long-term evolutionary changes and emergent adaptation needs.
The SwSE research group is relevant for:
Innovating software products and operating software efficiently to reach full digitalisation of software companies and organisations with IT needs
Developing competences and raising awareness on the importance of software in everyday life
Continuously supporting software developers and managers for innovating their decision making process with data
Contact person:
Barbara Russo
Romain Robbes
Claus Pahl
Ilenia Fronza
Davide Taibi
Xiaofeng Wang
Nabil El Ioini
Dron Khanna
Areeg Samin
Empirical and Experimental Software Engineering
Distributed and Embedded Systems Engineering
Development of Data Driven Software
Technology Enhanced Learning
Continuous Lean Process Innovation
Key Technologies
Technologies of Software and System Analytics
Adaptive and Autonomous Architectures
Technologies for Software and System Security and Performance
Technologies for Software and System Validation and Verification
Methods, Practices, and Tools for Process Innovation
Related Courses
Software Engineering
Programming for data science
Lean Start-up
Software Evolution and Maintenance
Development of Data Products Programming
Software and System Analytics
Process Improvement
Testing and Verification of Software and Systems
Cloud / Edge, and IoT Platforms and Architectures
Visualisation Tools for Teamwork and Team Learning
Tools and technologies for Learning, Teaching, and Assessment
Methods and Tools to Support Team Collaboration / Coordination
Productivity Tools for Software Developers
Green Software
Industry Partners
Ongoing collaborations:
Wuerth Phoenix, South Tyrol, Italy
TT_Control, South Tyrol, Italy
Roechling, South Tyrol, Italy
ATACAMA Large Millimeter Array Telescope Observatory, Chile
Datatellers, South Tyrol
IDM, South Tyrol
Comune di Roma, Italy
Musteus srl. South Tyrol,Italy
Education Bodies of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Additional future collaborations:
Microgate, Italy
IDM, South Tyrol, Italy
MavTech, Italy
SASAbus, Italy
Skirentalresorts, Italy
Fraunhofer IESE, Germany SINTEF, Norway
Comune di Como, Italy
Italiapura S.r.L., Italy
Raiffeisen Online, South Tyrol Systems S.r.L., Italy
Scientific Partners
University of Massachusetts, Boston, US
Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico
Universidad de la Frontera, Chile
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
Università degli Studi del Sannio, Italy
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy
University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Barbara Russo:
– IDEAS (Integrated Design and Evolution of Adaptive Systems) / PRIN / 08/03/2014 – 08/03/2017 / 72K
– GAUSS (Governing Adaptive and Unplanned Systems of Systems) / PRIN 05/02/2017- 05/02/2020 / 57K
– JMSE (Joint Master in Software Engineering) / TEMPUS IV / 15/10/2012 – 14/10/2016 / 54K
– TCC_EU2020 (Trusted cloud computing for Europe 2020) / CRC interdisciplinary / 01/02/2015 – 31/01/2018 / 50K
– DEBASS (DEtecting Behavioural Anomalies in the Operations of Large Software Systems) / CRC 2016 / 01/11/2016 – 31/10/2019 / 70K
– Optimisation SW (Optimization of the execution of self-adaptive, self-healing, and self-recovery software applications fo energy saving) / CRC 2012/ 01/09/2013
– 31/08/2015 / 26K
Claus Pahl:
ECO / StartUp/ 50K
Ilenia Fronza:
SITE / ESF / 153K
STARGATE /unibz RTD/ 9.9K
Nabil El Ioini and Ilenia Fronza:
green4drones / unibz CRC / 9K
ctALL / unibz RTD / 8K
Xiaofeng Wang:
STARGATE (towardS effecTive visualisation of leArning foR aGile softwAre developmenT tEams)/unibz RTD/01-09-2017–29-02-2019/9.9k
STREAM(Supporting Software Developers in the Era of Multimedia Contents)/unibz RTD/01-02-2016–30-09-2018/20k
About our research