My research investigations lay at the intersection of Human Machine Interaction and Interaction Design. In particular, my research interests focus on user experience methods for (co-) designing novel learning contexts, e.g., smart schools, or solutions, e.g., smart games and interactive products.
During my Ph.D. at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, I focussed on co-designing digital games for and with children. Recently, I designed and executed several case studies concerning with the gamification of school contexts with interactive non-invasive gamified objects, augmented with hidden Arduino micro-controllers, sensors and actuators.
The most recent work of the Bolzano team I work in focusses on the gamification of user experience design for learning contexts, for playfully engaging all. In particular, team members are working on designing interactive tangible solutions for enhancing children's experience in group activites.
Ph.D Thesis
My Ph.D. focussed on participatory design (co-design) methods and techniques of HMI that allow designers to prototype interactive games with users in their natural environment, schools. Her primary research goal is to adapt and refine co-design for nowadays’ learning contexts, by mixing it with cooperative learning for include all participants as co-designers and gamification of learning context in order to positively engage all.
My Ph.D. required designing and running empirical studies in order to assess and refine GaCoCo for prototyping in learning contexts. In such context, I designed and executed several empirical case studies with schools and at school, and I acquired experiences on design studies using gamification principles so as to gamified the classroom and the design itself, so as to engage all children in the activity.
In particular, in the last year, I focus on designing gamified probes for improve collaboration and engage children in the activity. This probes were enhanced with low-cost technologies (Arduino, Raspberry Pi) so as to, engage more children throughout the activity, and to allow interaction in a gamified environment.

Events at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Seminar: END-USER PARTICIPATION in DESIGN & MAKING - 18 November 2016
LUNA 2016 - 30 September 2016
Lunga Notte della Ricerca
Seminar: Game Design with Children - 12 October 2015
Christiane Moser: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg.
External Events
International Winter School, on the design of
innovative products in Fablab. Mis4TEL 2017
7th International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL'17)Polytechnic of Porto - Porto (Portugal) | 21st-23rd June, 2017