International Conferences
Investigating Class Conversations with Classtalk: a Study with Tangible Object Prototypes in a Primary School
R Gennari, A Melonio, M Rizvi. . In Proceeding of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, pp. 49:1 -- 49:5
Evolving Tangibles for Children's Social Learning trhough Conversations: Beyond Turn TalkR Gennari, A Melonio, M Rizvi. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, pp. 268--375. ACM.
Is Participatory Game Design Effective Over Time? Let's Assess Its Products Alessandra Melonio. In Digital Technology and Organizational Change. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 23. Springer, Cham.
Children's Emotions and Quality of Products in Participatory Game Design
Rosella Gennari, Alessandra Melonio, Daniela Raccanello, Margherita Brondino, Gabriella Dodero, Margherita Pasini and Santina Torello. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 101, 45--61. 2017, . DOI:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.01.006
International Conferences
Design of IoT Tangibles for Primary Schools: A Case Study Alessandra Melonio and Rizvi Mehdi. In proc. of 1st International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, At Rome, Volume: LNCS, Springer
The Design of a Smart Tray with Its Canteen Users: A Formative Study
V Del Fatto, R Gennari, A Melonio, G Raimato. In International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning. pp. 36--43, Springer, Cham.
The Participatory Design Process of Tangibles for Children’s Socio-Emotional LearningR Gennari, A Melonio, M Rizvi. International Symposium on End User Development, 167-182
Gamified Probes for Cooperative Learning: A Case Study.
Rosella Gennari, Alessandra Melonio, and Santina Torello. In CHItaly 2015 Special Issue of the International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, IF = 1.346. Guest editors: M. De Marsico and D. Fogli. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-016-3543-7.
International Conferences
Alessandra Melonio and Rizvi Mehdi. In proc. of 1st International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, At Rome, Volume: LNCS, Springer
Is Participatory Game Design Effective Over Time? Let’s Assess its Products.Alessandra Melonio.
Alessandra Melonio. In proc. of the 3th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS. ITAIS 2016. Verona, Italy.
Guidelines for Participatory Design of Digital Games in Primary School
A Three-Year Long Journey Across the Fields of Participatory Game Design.
Rosella Gennari and Alessandra Melonio. In Proc. of Fourth International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age - CoPDA 2016. Gothenburg (Sweden), October 23, 2016 (published at http://ceur-ws.org).
PHD Thesis
Participatory Game Design and Children.
Alessandra Melonio. Ph.D. Thesis. Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of computer Science. April 2016.2015
Supporting Children in Mastering Temporal Relations of Stories: the TERENCE Learning Approach.
T. Di Mascio, R. Gennari, A. Melonio, L. Tarantino and P. Vittorini. In Special Issue of the International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) on Visual Aspects in Technology Enhanced Learning, 14(1), 44-63. DOI: 10.4018/IJDET.2016010103
International Conferences
“There Is No Rose Without A Thorn”: An Assessment of a Game Design Experience for Children.
Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari, Alessandra Melonio, and Santina Torello. 2015. In Proceedings of the 11th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly 2015). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10-17.
From Game Design with Children to Game Development with University Students: What Issues Come Up?.
L.Corral, I.Fronza,R. Gennari and A. Melonio. In Proceedings of the 11th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly 2015). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 30-33.
Emotions and Inclusion in Co-Design at School: Let's Measure Them!
G. Dodero, M. Brondino, R. Gennari, A. Melonio, M. Pasini, D. Raccanello, and S. Torello. In Proc. of the MIS4TEL 2015, LNAI, Springer, Salamanca, Spain, June 2015.
Achievement Emotions and Peer Acceptance Get Together in Game Design at School.
M. Brondino, G. Dodero, R. Gennari, A. Melonio, M. Pasini, D. Raccanello, S. Torello. In Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal. Regular Issue 3(4), 2014 DOI:10.14201/ADCAIJ201434112
International Conferences
Gamified Children Universities: a Qualitative Study.
V. Del Fatto, G.Dodero, R. Gennari, A. Melonio, M. Montali, S. Torello, X. Wang and F. Zini. Work-in-progress paper in Proc. of the CHI-Play Conference, ACM SIGCHI, Toronto, Canada, October 2014.
Gamified Co-design with
Cooperative Learning at School.
A. Melonio. Doctoral Consosortium in Proc. of the CHI-Play Conference, ACM SIGCHI, Toronto, Canada, October 2014.
Towards Tangible Gamified Co-Design at School: Two Studies in Primary Schools.
G. Dodero,R. Gennari, A. Melonio and S. Torello. Full paper in Proc. of the CHI-Play Conference, ACM SIGCHI, Toronto, Canada, October 2014. Acceptance rate: 29%.>
A Lean Experience of Game Fabrication: From School to University and Back.
G. Dodero, R.Gennari, A. Melonio and S. Torello. In Technical Proc. of the FabLabs in Educational Context Workshop, part of Fablearn Europe 2014, co-located with IDC 2014.
GAmified CO-design with COoperative Learning.
G. Dodero, R. Gennari, A. Melonio and S. Torello. In Proc. of the alt chapter of CHI 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 26–May 1 2014.Acceptance rate: 37.5%.
Engaging “New Users” into Design Activies: the TERENCE Experience.
T. Di Mascio, R. Gennari, A. Melonio and P. Vittorini.In proceedings of the Italian ITAIS 2013 conference, Milan. To be published in Springer, 2014. Conference web site.
Designing Games for Deaf Children: First Guidelines.
T. Di Mascio, R. Gennari, A. Melonio and P. Vittorini. In International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL), Vol. 5, Nos. 3/4, pp. 223–239, Inderscience Enterprise Ltd., 2013.
International Conferences
Game-based Co-design of Games for Learning with Children and Teachers: Research Goals and a Study
A. Melonio. Game-based Co-design of Games for Learning with Children and Teachers: Research Goals and a Study. Chitaly 2013, Doctoral Consortium.
How to Design Games for Deaf Children: Evidence-based Guidelines.
A. Melonio, R. Gennari. How to Design Games for Deaf Children: Evidence-based Guidelines.ebTEL 2013, Salamanca, Spain.
Gamify your Field Studies for Learning about Your Learners
T. Di Mascio, R. Gennari, A. Melonio. Gamify your Field Studies for Learning about Your Learners.ebuTel 2013, Trento, Italy.
The 1st Release of the TERENCE Learner GUI: the User-based Usability Evaluation
R. Cecilia Maria, T. Di Mascio, A. Melonio. The 1st Release of the TERENCE Learner GUI: the User-based Usability Evaluation. ebTEL 2013, Salamanca, Spain.
Play and Learn about Your Learners to Early Form your TEL Design
T. Di Mascio Tania, R. Gennari, A. Melonio, P. Vittorini. Play and Learn about Your Learners to Early Form your TEL Design.
The Learners' User Classes in the TERENCE Adaptive Learning Systeme
Mohammad Alrifai, Tania Di Mascio, Rosella Gennari, Pierpaolo Vittorini, Alessandra Melonio and F. De la Prieta, The Learners' User Classes in the TERENCE Adaptive Learning System. (2012), in: 12th IEEE International conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2012).
Visual representations of narratives for Poor comprehenders.
Tania Di Mascio, Rosella Gennari, MELONIO A, Pierpaolo Vittorini (2012). Visual representations of narratives for Poor comprehenders. In International Workshop on evidenced-based Technology Enhanced Learning. Salamanca, 28-30 marzo.
The User Classes Building Process in a TEL project.
Tania Di Mascio, Rosella Gennari, MELONIO A, Pierpaolo Vittorini. In proceedings of the International Workshop on evidenced-based Technology Enhanced Learning. Salamanca, 28-30 marzo.
Towards ICT support for elderly displaced people: looking for natural gestures.
Melonio, L. Tarantino, and T. Di Mascio, Towards ICT support for elderly displaced people: looking for natural gestures. ITAIS 2011.