TERENCE, an FP7 CSA collaborative
European project for the Technology Enhanced Learning area,
started on October 1st 2010 (36 months).
My role: principal investigator at
FUB; WP4 leader; scientific and technical coordinator of the TERENCE consortium and project.
See also the WP4 web page
CRESCO, financed by FUB, a project focusing on performing experiments and developing techniques
for visually reasoning about events of stories, started in September (36 months).
My role: coordinator.
DARE, financed by the Province of Bozen-Bolzano, a project
focusing on picto-diagrammatic representations for young children, started on the 1st of July
(36 months).
My role: coordinator; principal investigator for the Faculty
of Computer Science; WP leader.
LODE, a LOgic-based e-learning tool for DEaf children, financed by CARITRO, started in March 2009
and ended in June 2011.
My role: principal investigator at FUB.