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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Floating Islands ...continued

Mystical Island Hopping
The jumps in this second section are not that difficult, in that you aren't presented a lot of choices in terms of where you're going and how you're going to get there. The difficulty here comes from the length of jumps, and the fact that a misstep or missed grab equals death. Save your game early and save often….

As soon as you reach the long, green-stair-stepped island just opposite the Mystic Plaque lock island, turn right (put your back to the Mystic Plaque island). Run up the long, stair stepped incline to the top of the golden cage island (the island where you pulled the first switch). Angle just a tad to the right when you step onto the cage. Drop off the cage to land on a stone ledge. Make your way around to the stone outcropping and stop when you're face to face with the angled green island. Step to the edge of the ledge and look down - the second Mystic Plaque rests on the island below. Simply run off this ledge to fall onto Plaque Island.

Turn to face the island where you acquired the first Mystic Plaque. Note the small green island between where you stand and the big island. That's where you're going. Run and jump to the island, but instead of going for a grab, execute a running dive (or in this case a roll). Only this move provides you the distance you need. Hop to the main island and loop around the floating islands again, en route to the Mystic Plaque lock island.

Place the Plaques and go on in. Wait for the flying bad guy to arrive before continuing. After he's been chunkified, press on with the mission, or pause for secret number two.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 2

Facing the bridge, approach the left railing. Stand to the left of the lantern and check out the sliding ramp. Take it down, leaping at the last moment, angling to the right. Perfect timing and impeccable aim will land you on the lower bridge. Turn around and dash into the room, hooking to the left. You'll trigger a box into action. It raises to reveal a switch - and trio of bad guys. Uh-oh.

Floating Islands, continued...

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