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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Floating Islands

Floating Islands is the stuff of secret levels. However, you have no choice but to navigate through it. As such, it feels tacked in - a mission that someone felt had to be included because it was too cool not to include. And we make no argument on that front: This is definitely a cool mission, and is fun in its own right. That said, we have no doubt you'll enjoy jumping around and doing the stuff Lara's so good at doing here.

No Woman Is An Island
From the start, jump to the slanted green island. Execute your jump a few feet before the edge of the slide, then jump again with a last-second grab. Pull up and dash for the switch dead ahead. Pull it to unhinge a trapdoor on the underside of the building that rests on this area's main island (to the right of the switch). Dash down the caged hall, drop down the slide, jump near the bottom to make the next slide and get ready for a bad guy battle to the death. While on these outer islands, we recommend you rely on your Uzis up close and your M-16 for distance kills. Just save enough Uzi ammo for the next mission, say at least 500 rounds.

After the bad guys have been blown to bits, climb up into the building and claim the first of two Mystic Plaques. Watch out for more baddies when you exit. When all's quiet, head for the edge of the island opposite where first stepped onto it. It's time to find the first secret of this mission.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 1

At the edge of the island, turn around to face the building (the tree will be to your right). Hop off the edge and grab the ledge. Drop down to the lower green ledge and pull in. Hook around to the left for a switch. Pull it to drop the gate opposite the switch. Go through and get ready for some mighty jumps.

Floating Islands, continued...

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