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What we can do:
- Support to push innovation into your company data, adding semantics and intelligence:
- intelligent information systems that combine data, information, knowledge, and processes;
- conceptual and ontology modelling for system design;
- semantic-based intelligent access to data;
- semantic interoperability and data integration;
- data preparation for analytics based on semantic metadata;
- intelligent information system deployment and maintenance;
- database restructuring to enable intelligent business processes;
- data and web standards;
- natural language interfaces to knowledge;
- break the silos!
- Analysis and modelling of spatio-temporal datasets and databases:
- multi-dimensional data series in space and time;
- complex scenarios such as smart systems, industrial IoT, and predictive maintenance.
We collaborate with industries and enterprises on AI and Data Science activities.
KRDB actively seeks out partnerships and collaborations with industry partners, third sector organisations, and government agencies to share resources and expertise, and to accelerate the pace of innovation. We adopt a proactive approach to identifying and cultivating partnerships and collaborations with a range of stakeholders. This includes reaching out to industry partners that are working on related areas of AI and Data Science research. Through these partnerships, we seek to share resources, expertise, and data, and to identify new areas of research and development that can advance the field of AI. In addition to academic and industry partners, we also seek out collaborations with third sector organisations and government agencies. These collaborations may take the form of joint research projects, technology transfer agreements, or other forms of knowledge exchange. By engaging with these stakeholders, we aim to ensure that our research is aligned with broader societal goals and priorities, and that it is contributing to the development of AI technologies that are ethical, responsible, and sustainable. To support these partnership and collaboration efforts, we will invest, through the AI competence centre, in resources and personnel dedicated to relationship-building and partnership development. This may include hiring dedicated staff members to manage partnerships and collaborations, or establishing an advisory board composed of representatives from academia, industry, government, and civil society to provide guidance and oversight. Overall, our partnership and collaboration strategy reflects a recognition that AI research and development is a complex, multi-disciplinary field that requires input and expertise from a range of stakeholders. By actively seeking out partnerships and collaborations with a diverse array of organisations and individuals, we aim to accelerate the pace of innovation and make meaningful contributions to the development of AI and Data Science technologies that can benefit society as a whole. With this goal in mind, we will adhere to the goals set up by the Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano, as specified in the document āInnovazione e Ricerca Alto Adige 2030ā, in the specialisation area āAutomation and Digital ā Smart Processingā.
We support industry to adopt innovation based on AI and Data Science technologies.
We actively seek out and develop partnerships with industry leaders and startups to encourage the adoption and scaling of AI and Data Science technologies developed in the KRDB research centre, and to provide opportunities for our researchers and students to work on real-world problems. To achieve this goal, we develop a comprehensive industry engagement strategy that aims to establish and maintain relationships with a range of industry partners, from established leaders in the field to emerging startups. We actively seek out partnerships with companies that have a strong interest in AI and Data Science technologies, and work to understand their specific needs and challenges. Through these partnerships, we seek to promote the adoption and scaling of AI and Data Science technologies developed within the research centre. This involves collaborating with industry partners to develop new products or services, or providing consultancy services to help companies integrate AI and Data Science technologies into their existing operations. We also prioritise providing opportunities for its researchers and students to work on real-world problems, by engaging with industry partners on research projects and internships. This enables researchers and students to gain practical experience working on real-world challenges, while also providing valuable insights and expertise to industry partners.
We will set up an AI and Data Science competence centre.
We will invest in the necessary infrastructure, such as computational resources and data storage, and managing personnel to build an AI competence centre, The key the aim of the proposed AI competence centre is to aggregate the existing academic expertise in AI and Data Science methodologies at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (notably intelligent data management, data and process mining, machine learning and computer vision, logic-based and semantic methods, foundational methods for AI and Data Science) and to bridge the gap between academic excellence and the needs of the local industry, services, and public administration. The proposed competence centre will benefit from the synergy with the divisions and laboratories of the new Faculty of Engineering, the other UniBZ faculties, the local research centres (EURAC, Laimburg Research Centre, Fraunhofer Institute, Covision Lab, etc.), the NOI Techpark, and the extensive national and international academic collaborations that are already existing within the University. The AI competence centre will provide a comprehensive range of services based on AI and Data Science, including consultancies, knowledge transfer, feasibility studies, training offers to foster responsible AI innovation for take-up by the local environment and scale-up of the local SMEs.