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We are mainly dealing with applied mathematics: we develop and employ mathematical approaches, methods and tools to investigate issues and questions which arise in different fields, from socio-economic ones to engineering and technological ones. Our research includes the various stages of modelling, analytical study and numerical simulations.

A few keywords are associated below to each of us.

BERTOTTI Maria Letizia

Mathematical models for complex systems

Structure and properties of complex networks

Diffusion dynamics on top of complex networks

Mathematical models for socio-economic systems

Equations and simulations of ropeway dynamics


Fractional calculus and linear viscoelasticity

Prabhakar fractional calculus

Exterior calculus and generalized electromagnetic models


Non-cooperative game theory with applications to economics

Optimality and welfare analysis of regulatory policies

Variable structure control


Mathematical models for complex systems

Structure and properties of complex networks

Diffusion dynamics on top of complex networks

Theoretical physics: field theory, quantum systems

Equations and simulations of ropeway dynamics

Structure and properties of complex networks

Equations and simulations of ropeway dynamics

Diffusion dynamics on top of complex networks

Optimality and welfare analysis of regulatory policies

Effect of the institutional setting on incentives, equilibria and welfare on the allocation of welfare in presence of externalities (network of local authorities and effects of local decisions on neighbours)  

Prabhakar fractional calculus

The attenuation factor for the Maxwell-Prabhakar class shows a very slow varying behaviour, supporting evidences for which the Q-factor of homogeneous materials is substantially independent of the frequency.
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