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Barkhang Monastery ...continued

Prayer Wheel 1
Dash through the book room to the hallway, hang your first left, then the next left into an austere room. Find the ladder deep inside and make haste to the top. You'll find yourself above the monastery's central room. But you can't get to the main floor yet - that's a deadly drop. Turn right and dash down the balcony. Take the first left en route to the low dais - and the Main Hall Key.

Screenshot ScreenshotThe Main Hall Key and its smiling guardian beyond. As you can see, this time through we decided to let the monks live to pray another day. Wonder why he doesn't care if you steal his key? After getting the key, we're headed for that distant gray doorway.

Stow the key and return to the main balcony, pressing forward into new territory. The balcony terminates in a small room. Beware boulder traps as you make your way up the narrow passageways. Turn left when you get to the T-intersection (and after triggering the second boulder trap), and run to the top, halting at the edge of the whirlpool. If, in your impatience to nab the first Prayer Wheel, you dive headlong into the water, you will drown - the suction in the center of the pool is merciless. If, however, you turn around and slip into the water, hug the wall as you work your way clockwise around the pool, you'll be fine. Make for the obvious underwater opening and slog up the ramp to the hole in the floor.

Drop down and turn right. Evading the sliding doors is simply a matter of timing. Atop the ladder, head for the dark doorway. Ignite a flare and behold the first Prayer Wheel in the near-left corner. Sideways jump over the gold fire pots to the Wheel.

Screenshot ScreenshotThe first Prayer Wheel. The trick isn't getting it, but getting away with it alive.

After acquiring the artifact, sideways jumps over the fire pots is the safe way out. Good luck. Return to the room outside the Prayer Wheel room and locate the boxes in the right wall. Pull the box in the middle of the room aside, then pull the other out of the wall. Follow the passage up the ladder and would you know it? You're back in the boulder hallways. Retrace your steps to the main floor of the monastery. Now's the time to use that Main Hall Key of yours.

Barkhang Monestary, continued...

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