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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Living Quarters

This oddly named mission centers around a larger-than-life piston room. After the last mission, it's also thankfully brief. What it lacks in length, however, it makes up for in terms of testing your superhuman jumping skills. In fact, the last leap out of the mission is one of the most difficult jumps to make in the game, should you decide to try it….

Firing on All Cylinders
This is the second, and thankfully last, mission you start submerged. It was fun the first time…. Quickly swim through the opening, hook left, and yank the lever. Do a flip turn and fight the current to the opening beyond.

Make your way into the piston room. Take stock, hang a left, and make for the far-left corner. Lara looks up at a switch platform as soon as you climb on top of the small building-like structure. This is a big-money tip that will pay out later.

Enter the copper-lined passage beneath the switch platform. Draw your favorite tool for doing battle in small spaces, and drop down the hole you find. Creep up the narrow passage, drawing the bad guys to you. When they're down, watch for rolling barrels o' death from the left when you enter the T-intersection. Simply jump into the intersection and leap back. Wait a few moments for the last bad guy to investigate. Consider it safe to enter the fire pit room when the rumbling stops.

Upon entering the fire pit room, dash up the ramp. Stop at the top of the ramp and turn right, your back to the wall. The hand ledge in the distant wall, above the fire pits, is your first dangerous jump of the mission.

After you've shimmied over the fire pits and yanked the switch to shut them off, turn left and climb into the opening above. Work your way through the passage to the square room that holds a switch and a telling hole in the middle of the floor.

Yank the switch. You've just reversed the position of each piston. Back-hop down the hole and run for the building-like structure. It's time to do some jumps. If you carefully line up each jump, you should have no trouble making it across. Stop at the last piston and turn right for the first secret of this mission. You can't miss it.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 1

Living Quarters, continued…

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