Information Integration 2012/13

The slides of the course are in PDF and cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction and Motivation  (Slides)
  2. Basics of Relational Database Theory  (Slides)
  3. Information Integration Models  (Slides)

These are exercises that we have discussed in the lab sessions.
  1. Relational Queries

    Slides about query execution plans in PostgreSQL

  2. Satisfiability of Comparisons

  3. Datalog and Limitations of First-Order Logic

  4. Unions of Conjunctive Queries and Queries with Disequalities

Here are the questions for the coursework
  1. Satisfiability, Safety, and Positive Queries (Assignment).

  2. Conjunctive Queries (Assignment)

  3. Evaluation and Containment of Conjunctive Queries (Assignment)

  4. Containment and Minimization of Conjunctive Queries (Assignment)

  5. Incomplete Databases and Tables (Assignment)

To prepare for the exam, please, do this
The has been marked.

There is no complete textbook on Information Integration so far.
Fortunately, Michael Genesereth of Stanford University has written a book
Data Integration - The Relational Logic Approach ,
of which an online version can be accessed.

Background information on the theory of relational databases can be found in the book:
Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, Victor Vianu. Foundations of Databases.
The book is available for download at the Technical University of Vienna:
Frontmatter Toc A B C D E F Bibliography Index (username "stud", password "tu")

In addition to the book, several research papers contain material that is complementary to the content of the course.

Several companies offer
open source systems for data and information integration.

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