Data Structures and Algorithms 2014/15: Assignments

When preparing your submissions, please follow the

and the guidelines for

These are the weekly assignments for the course.

  1. Array Utility Class  (Assignment)

    As a model for further submissions, please, have a look at this sample report,
    together with sample code for the ArrayUtility class, the test class, and the class with running time experiments.

  2. Recursion and Array Algorithms  (Assignment)

  3. Asymptotic Complexity and Substring Matching  (Assignment, Toolbox for Asymptotic Analysis)
  4. Loop Invariants and Performance of Sorting Algorithms  (Assignment)
  5. Mysteries and other Array Algorithm  (Assignment)
  6. List Operations and Sorting with Lists  (Assignment)

  7. Priority Queues and Operations on Trees  (Assignment)

  8. Graphs  (Assignment)
    To get some idea for reading the graph specification from file, have a look at the Java class
    The deadline for this coursework has been extended to Tuesday, 9 June.

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