
Level 4 - The Opera House

Written by

Jitender Saan (Bwahahahaha. I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull)

Move to the left of the swinging box. Keep your back to the box and you will see a ledge. Facing this ledge step to the far right and you will be able to back-up the three necessary footsteps for Lara to make a running jump.

Once you are on the ledge face right and do another running jump to the ledge on the opposite wall. Go right and you will see a ladder, climb it down to another ledge (don't go all the way down, this ledge is about two blocks in height below the ledge from where you got on to the ladder). Once on this ledge turn around walk to the edge and look up, another ledge. Pull up on this ledge and flip the switch. This will open up the cieling to a room that can be jumped from the swinging box platform and which contains a key that will open the door to exit this area of the level.

After pulling the switch climb back to the uppermost ledge and jump across to the ledge from where you can run-jump-grab the platform with the swinging box. Max your health and do a running jump to the room that you just opened. Kill the bad guy and get the key. Use the stairs, killing another bad guy en route to the same ladder that you have already used to get to the switch and make your way back to the swinging box platform.

This time stay to the right of the box and do a running jump to the ledge that you see. Once on the ledge jump on to the sliding ramp and in mid air turn Lara to the right, keep the action key pressed so that Lara will hang on after sliding down. Shimmy left till you are above a flat platform and drop. Do a 180 degree flip and repeat the process again with the next sliding ramp - jump, turn right, slide, hang and then shimmy left till you are above the window. Let go of the action key and press it immediately as soon as Lara begins to fall, this will cause her to hang on to the window. Climb up, turn around and shoot the guy on the lowest platform. Turn around to face the window and blow out the glass.

The trap is the same as the spike trap. Simply walk through the blades and you are all right. Go to the left side of this room till you find a ladder and take it to the top. You will reach a door with a lock next to it.

Beyond the door is a false floor made up of boards that will fall away the moment you step on them and if you fall it is a long way down. It is a good idea to save your game here. Do a running jump to the nearest board and keep running along the left edge of the board. When you reach the end of the board give a slight nudge to the left and run along the right edge of the next board doing a running leap to another board and finally jumping on to the secure platform on the other end of this room. This whole sequence is nothing but timing, you cannot stop or you will fall so keep moving. Turn right and climb up to the opening. Before you is the roof of the Opera House.

Do a running jump to the central structure and kill the bad guy you meet there. Once he is a goner go towards the swinging box in the corner. Walk to a position that is closest to the box. You have to make a running jump and grab on to the edge to the left of the box as you face it. Once you have made this jump fall into the opening beyond and pull the switch which will open the entrance to the Opera House. Unfortunately it will also release some bad guys and some bad dogs. Climb back to the swinging box platform.

You can do two things here:

  1. Jump down to the floor and battle it out at close quarters. if you choose to do this then avoid the black pits that are scattered about the floor, falling into one of these means reloading from your last saved position.
  2. Jump back to the central structure and shoot the guys from the security of the roof, the guys with wrenches or baseball bats and the dogs can't harm you from here. Once everything is silent drop to the floor and do a quick jog around the central structure (avoiding the black pits) collecting ammo and medikits left by the greatful dead.

Make your way to the entrance of the Opera House that was opened by the last switch you used. Drop into the opening and you will notice two switches, one to your left and one to your right. Notice also the circuit next to the wall of the right hand switch. Looks like it is missing a part. The objective of the level is to find that part.

Pull the left hand switch to open the fence-door to your left and take the ladder down. At the bottom run forward and turn right and you will find another switch. Pulling the switch will close the fence-door which is what we want. From the switch if you run left you will trigger a boulder that will come rolling down to crush you, there is plenty of time and room to avoid this calamity and you might as well disarm the trap.

Go back to the hanging ladder and climb it till you can go into the opening on your left at the top of the ladder. Go to the end of the corridor, turn around and do a safety drop (a safety drop is done by turning you back to the edge and letting Lara drop back with the CTRL key pressed, this will cause her to hang on to the edge, then let go of the CTRL key, this is useful for dropping from high areas as it reduces damage) to the top-most floor of the Opera House.

After dropping, flip around so that your back is to the wall and look up to the left. See that hanging sand-bag? That is one of many sand-bags and they are death-traps but that does not mean a sand-bag will fall if you run under it, these things are triggered by other circumstances. But don't worry the moment a sand-bag breaks it ties with the cieling there will be a loud >snap<. When you hear this signal run away from where ever you are standing.

Run left (towards the sand-bag) and kill the bad guy. Keep going left taking the corridors till you come to some more bad guys. Kill them all and keep going till you reach another circuit board out of order and a switch that won't do anything. So now we need two parts for two circuit boards. Turn back and go to the other side (away from the sand-bag). As you reach the end a door will open releasing another lot of bad guys. Kill em, if you want you can explore this room though there is nothing in it except for another boulder trap. Facing the room go left to the hole in the floor and keep dropping till you are one floor above the ground.

When you land on this platform yet another bad guy will be released. Kill him from here as he does not have a long range weapon. After he is a goner drop to the ground floor. Run parallel to the stairs to trigger another boulder trap with lots and lots of boulders. Keep running till you are next to the far wall. Once the boulders are done go towards the pool of water and swim to the other side. Somewhere in the centre of the other edge of the pool is a box, go to this box and from here climb on to the stage.

Go to the room on your left as you climb to the stage. Pull the switch in this room to open another metal-grated-door. Exit the room and run to the opening on the other end. As you reach here you will find, URK, more bad guys. Shoot them, then stand on the edge of the entrance to the wide open area and climb up to the ledge with the blades sticking out of the floor.

Walk through the blades to the left side. There is a brige but it is raised. Look at the wall on your left and you will notice a niche tapering downwards. Run, jump, grab this niche, shimmy left, pull up and flip the switch, the bridge is in position. Do a running jump to the platform with the blades (making sure to avoid them blades). Take the bridge to the other end and turn left and do a running jump to the dark alcove in the wall. From here climb up to the next higher platform and flip around. Draw your weakest weapon and dispatch the rat then run, jump, grab the ledge on which you spotted the rat.

Keep moving forwards avoiding the sand-bags till you are at the other end (no falling in between or Lara is dead). At the other end pull the switch to drop one of the sand-bags over a trap door on the stage. Slide down the ramp in front of you and do a safety drop to the stage. Fall into the opening Mr. Sand-bag just opened for you.

Splash. Water water everywhere. Take the first opening to your left and swim till you reach a room with knee-deep water. Run over to the far wall and pull the switch. Turn around and instead of swimming back swim away from the entrance of this room to locate a slim rectangular tunnel follow it to the first secret of the level.

Come back to the trap-door room from where you took the left opening and take the next passage. Swim around till you can surface into a lighted area and you will see a ladder. At the bottom of the ladder is a Relay Box. Pick it up and take the ladder upwards and drop to the ground floor of the Opera House.

You have to get on to the next highest floor. There are two locations that can be used to do this, take whichever you want

  1. Face the stage, run left till you reach the wall and turn right till you reach another dead wall. Look up, a ledge, grab and pull up.
  2. Put your back to the stage, run straight to the wall and locate the block with a square opening above. Grab and pull up and run straight and then right till you at the same place if you had take route 1 above.

Stand at the edge of the ledge (hey, that rhymes :)) and look up. ANOTHER ledge, jump, grab, pull up, flip 180 degrees, kill bad guy. Jump to area with dead bad guy and run straight. Keep going till you reach a deep pit.

At the bottom of the pit is ........ water <g> so don't worry if you fall. You have to go just to the next lower opening as you look down but positioning yourself properly for this jump is a bit tricky so if you fall down, just climb out of the water and keep doing standing jumps and grabs - killing the rats - till you are one opening below from where you looked down into the pit. This area is recognizable by the fact that it has a corridor you can run into, so run into the corridor and dispatch some more guys till you reach a row of windows. Shoot the glass and drop into the room below.

Flip the switch next to the door to open the door <DUH>. Fans, lots of fans, nice, rotating, humming, fans. Better save your game before proceeding.

This room has one simple solution - timing. Slide down the ramp and at the right moment jump and grab the platform with the key on it. Grab the key and turn right and keep climbing till you are the top. Turn right to face yet another sliding ramp. Do another slide, jump, grab to get to the opening in the upper corner. Enter opening, kill rat. After turning left in the dead-rat passage (my english IS atrocious :)) slow down to a walk and keep walking till Lara refuses to walk further due to a dent in the floor. Look left, a slide and a fan. Look right, a slide and a fan. Look up, nothing. Look straight, ah, a way at last. Turn around and walk Lara backwards till she is at the edge with the two ramps and fans to either side and do a back-flip. Neat eh?

Repeat above procedure, align yourself with the farthest edge away from the fans at Lara's back and back-flip to the next higher platform with another fan.

Before each successive jump look up and usually there will be nothing worth seeing. But you will eventually see a black opening. Do a standing jump-grab to get to that place and you have found the second secret of this level.

Keep fan-hopping till you can't fan-hop anymore. In this room is a block. Pull it out away from the wall to reveal a switch, pull the switch to open the door next to it. Then drag the block into the adjoining room.

Place the block against the wall from where you dropped into this room. Climb up to the corridor from where you had shattered the windows. To your right you will find another block, drag out this block and push it so that it comes to rest exactly above the block you have dragged from the lower room. Once the blocks are stacked on top of another jump to the top of the higher block and then jump to the corridor above it. Even more bad guys, kill em, kill em all.

Run down the corridor till you reach that darned pit again but this time jump to the next higher opening which will take you back to the third floor. Run along the wall to your right and you will eventually reach a pair of doors and a lock next to them. Use key on lock. Go through doors, drop into corridor, run to your right and, Hey, there is that ladder again. Take it up and once again do a safety-drop to the top-most floor of the Opera House. Go right, or in case your back is to the wall go left.

When you reach the circuit board use one of the Relay Boxes you found to fix this one then jog around the corner and use the switch and this time it will get a lift to take you to the ground floor. If you want the third secret of this level DONT take lift. Wait till the lift doors close and it moves downwards, jump onto the roof of the lift and to your right is a ladder, climb it up and get the dragon. Be careful of the blades. You can return the way you came up or if you prefer there is a switch to your left that opens a door to exit this room. If you take this path you will have to work ALL the way back to the lift switch.

This time, take the lift down, draw your guns and THEN run out, kill the two bad guys then grab the shotgun ammo they leave behind. Go to the switch next to the entrance to the lift and flip it to send the lift up. Once it is gone drop into the water and swim through the opening below the ladder. In the new area you just entered keep going left till you reach a tunnel (or a passage if you like to call it that) till you reach the water submerged floor on which Lara can walk (or wade if you like to call it THAT). In the right corner is another Relay Box. Nab it. Look up, recognize the room. It is the one that lies on the left hand side of the center stage.

Swim back to the room entrance but go past it till you find a lever. Pull this lever to open a door to your right and take it out. Head for the main control room at the top of the Opera House (the one with two switches and a circuit board). Place the Relay Box in this circuit and now pull the switch on the right hand side. This will lower the curtains on the stage. Make your way to the center stage and approach the opening carefully, weapons at ready and beware of sand-bags.

Once the bad guys are dead go back-stage and navigate to your left. You are looking for a block with Bartoli's logo that can be pulled. What, all of them have that logo? Ok look for a block that is brighter than the rest, as if it had a bulb glowing inside it. Pull this block out twice and move into the area that is revealed behind it and pull the switch that you find and return to the main back-stage area. Next to the wall behind the curtains is an opening close to the cieling. Climb up to it and turn left and follow the ledge around till you arrive at a pit and beyond the pit is a swinging sand-bag.

First thing to do here is to get onto the ledge with the switch. Use this switch to open a door that provides ready access to return to the pit in case you can't clear the swinging sand-bag. Once this is done do a finely timed jump to clear the sand-bag and you are in the last room before the exit to the level.

Ok, as you standing looking down into the room things look like a piece of cake but the moment you jump down it is going to be all mayhem and chaos. My strategy is as follows. There is one guy packing some really heavy fire power, avoid this fellow till the smaller fry are done and over with. Use the Uzis while running around like crazy. When the rest of the gang is dead, switch to shot gun and take care of Mr. Big Badguy.

Once the violence subsides locate the only block in this room that Lara can climb and, er, climb it. From this block you have to reach the top of the blocks at the other end of the room, no falling or you start all over from this block. Make your way around the obstacle course. Your destination: face the opening from where you dropped into this room, look to the right and you will find blocks arranged into a sort of L shape, you have to reach the horizontal arm of this L. There you will find the switch to open the exit door.

If you have played the first Tomb Raider you might remember what happens to Lara when she first reaches Atlantis, well the same thing happens when you complete this level. You loose all your weapons but not the rest of the inventory.

Have a nice ride.

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All content © 1998 by Heath "Mr. Wolf" Fowler.

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