
Level 5 - Offshore Rig

Written by

Jitender Saan

Does your head still hurt? I hope not.

Ok first thing to do here is to get out of this room. Unfortunately the door is locked. When Lara gets up look around. There are so many blocks around. The switch to open the door is hidden behind these blocks and it is on a timer. So before approaching the switch push/pull the blocks out and away to create a clear and shortest possible passage between switch and door then flip the switch and run out of the room. Once outside, go left.

Keep in mind that you don't have weapons so don't stop to indulge in combat but keep running and jumping to avoid the bad guys. As you go left you will encounter a ramp going upwards, take it or leave it because you will end up in the same place except that if you take it a boulder will come rolling down towards you. So take the stairs or the ramp and make your way towards the right till you reach a room with glass windows.

Ah, if you only had your pistols. Well never mind, stand close to the windows and one of Bartoli's boys (not one of the smartest) will come shooting and miss Lara by a mile and shoot the windows out for you. Go through the shattered windows, turn right and drop down to the platform close to the water. Turn around and look to your left, a switch, flip it.

Dive into the water and swim below the belly of the aqua-plane (if that is what you call planes that can land on water) to the trap door you just opened. Climb up and pull the switch to turn off the propeler on the left wing. Drop into the water and make your way back to the platform of your prison cell. Go right and make your way to the platform with the switch that opened the trap door. This time go towards the propeler and do a running-jump-grab and climb up and you are standing on the wing. Go towards the tail of the plane and fall down the trap door and collect your pistols. Take the ladder up and shoot the nice gentleman who broke those windows for you and when he drops dead pick up the Yellow Card. Go back to the room with the broken windows and use the Yellow Card to open the doors. Go through the doors till you reach a T intersection. Use the switch that you find there to turn of that annoying siren. Go right from here.

Keep going till you reach a room with a ramp going upwards and an open door that closes before you reach it. Ignore that naughty door and open the door to your right. Enter door and collect the goodies lying around. Keep following the corridor till you reach a room with bunks stacked on top of each other on both sides. Explore these bunks and you will get the Automatic Pistols and more importantly a Harpoon Gun.

On the upper berth to your left as you enter this room you will find a switch. This switch opens a trap door in the cieling at the opposite end of the entrance and it is timed but not at all difficult. Pull the switch, drop to the floor, run to the wall opposite to the entrance of this room. Jump-grab and pull up on the upper berth to your right. Turn around and jump-grab and pull up, the trap door will close behind you.

Go to the end of the corridor and turn around. Hop backwards and keep the CTRL key pressed so that Lara will hang on at the end of the slide. Take the ladder down. Beyond the fire pads there is another ladder and there are two blocks in the room. You need to make a running jump-grab at the ladder. So drag those blocks around till one of them is aligned against the fire pad platform. A simple puzzle that does not require further explanation.

At the top of the ladder as you enter the corridor to your right you will encounter a bad guy, put him to sleep and take the Red Card he leaves behind. As you follow the corridor keep and eye on the left wall and you will see a ladder (light a flare in this corridor so you don't miss it in the dark). Take the ladder up to the first secret of the level.

Keep following the corridor till you reach a pit with water, drop in. Pull the submerged lever. Take in some air and take the underwater tunnel. Locate another striped lever and pull it. After a right turn in the tunnel go into the opening in the floor and you will be behind a turbine. Stay away from that sucker or Lara's dead. You have found the second secret of the level. Go back and surface in the pit room and climb into the corridor in the corner.

At the end of the passage do a running jump to the ledge you see and you will end up in the room where you used the Yellow Card. Go through the open doors and this time go left at the T intersection.

Get rid of the bad guys along the way till you reach an open room with a floor with yellow stripes going upwards. Careful, the moment you head up on that ramp drums (or barrels) will come rolling down so get out of their way. Go up the ramp and left and use the Red Card to open the door.

Finish the fighting then take a look around. The wall opposite to the entrance has a hole near the cieling but you can't reach it. The pit to your right is dry and there are no ladders. Jump on to the steel platform on the left as you face the hole next to the cieling and you will find a block, push it once and then go back. Approach the hole next to the cieling and turn left when you are below it, climb on to the steel ramp and you will find the block you just pushed, this time pull it out. Go back to the other side of the block and push it till it can't be pushed further. Now get on to the platform next to the pit and do a running jump-grab to the block you have aligned below the hole next to the cieling and once on the block jump into the opening above.

Kill the baddies. There are three things in this room, a switch, a green lock and a trap door. Pull the switch and the pit that was dry is now filled with water, go back to the pit. jump in and climb out on the opposite edge. Immediately after you climb out of the water turn right and you will see some pipes or machinery. Do a running jump (or a side flip) so that your go over these obstacles then turn left and do a standing jump to clear the sliding ramp and pull the switch you find there. That trap door is now open so make your way back to it and drop through it.

When the slide is over you will end up in an enclosure full of catwalks. You are in a rectagular room and you have to go around the perimeter of this reactangle roughly following a path that is an inverted U in shape, anyway there is only ONE way that you can take. As you emerge in to this room put your back to the ramp down which you have arrived. The starting point is to your left. Do standing jumps and running jumps and grabbing jumps and what not and keep going to your right. Along the way you will have to kill a lot of bad guys and one of them will leave you a shotgun as a parting gift.

As you take your second right turn you will see a brightly lit area that is guarded, make your way towards it. At this stage you will encounter a steel ramp with a broken railing from where you have to do a running jump to another steel ramp on the far wall. After making this jump, keep the wall to your left and approach the end of the ramp and keep looking up to your left. There is an opening there, that is the exit from this area.

Once you reach the brightly lit platform that WAS guarded shoot out the glass and get the Green Card. Turn around and walk to the end of the platform and look below, a cute golden dragon. Drop in to the water and climb on to the pillar's base to collect the third secret of the level. Kill the bad guys that appear or if you want to save on ammo jump into the water.

Hey, there are bad guys in the water too. Ah, now is the time to get used to the harpoon gun so get it out and let em have it. From the pillar where you found secret three, make your way to the diagonally opposite corner of the room and you will find a ladder going up, take it. Make your way to the opening in the cieling that you saw before and get out of here.

Back in the room with the green lock use the Green Card to open the door and go left. Oops now THIS pit is dry, so pull the switch in the green lock room to shift the water back into this pit. Jump in and take the underwater passage to the exit.

Jitender Saan G10@Doubt.Com

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