
Level 2 - Venice

Welcome to Venice! Time to continue adventuring. Lara starts off this level at the end of an alley. Turn around and draw your weapons. Run forward and shoot the dog that attacks. Now keep going forward into the more open area. Turn to your right and shoot the guy up on the balcony. Now turn around and go down the other alleyway. Watch out. A dog and a bat-welding thug show
up to hurt you. Hurt them instead...shoot them. The guy leaves behind a small medi-pak for you. Get it...you might need it later. After you deal with them, run forward and go into the water. See the big wooden door. Swim under it. Climb up onto the platform to your right. At the far end is a button. Push it and swim back out of the room and climb back up onto where you were. Go into the room on your left and get the flares off of the table if you want to. Push the button on the wall. That opens up a door in the ceiling of the room. Climb up the ladder on the wall. When you reach the ceiling of the next room shimmy to the right and drop down into this new room. Push the button on the wall to your left. This closes the trap door in the floor and opens the door in the ceiling. Climb up the ladder again. Shimmy over to your right and off of the ladder and onto the roof. Climb up onto the window ledge. Shoot the window. Walk into the new hallway and turn to your left and shoot the dog. Now turn back to your right and climb up into the second window ledge.
Jump out of the window and onto the red canopy. Walk across the canopy to the edge. Now jump across to the balcony. Be careful. Make a wrong move and you have to basically start all over. Once on the balcony get the key from the dead guy. Now jump back over to the red canopy. Walk to the end and jump back into the window. Simple enough :)
Now after you've jumped back into the window, turn to your right and enter that room. You will see a hallway to your left. Go down the hallway and pull the swith at the end. Come back to the room. See that window beside the hallway? Shoot it out and climb up into the ledge. Do a running jump and grab onto the canopy. Pull yourself up.
Go to your left and jump from canopy to canopy. Then when you run out of canopies to jump to, jump over to the ledge. Climb up into the room and pull the lever. Come back out of the room and drop down into the water. Turn around and swim into the dark room. Light a flare. There is a room over to your right. Climb up into it and
Wahla! Secret #1!!! Pick up the little white dragon and get the flares while you are there. Turn around and go back to the water. Swim back out of the door. Swim under the door on your right and climb up onto the ledge to your right. Use the key you got from the dead guy on the lock beside the door. This opens the big doors. Swim out of the room and
over to the deck across from the boat. Climp up onto it and draw your weapons. Shoot the guy that shows up and you will receive the automatic pistols. Yeehaw! Now swim back to the boat and use the action key to climb up into it. Now for some fun! Using the arrow keys, drive the boat out of the room and go right. Go in through the open door and continue down the dark corridor (you can light a flare if you want to). When you reach the end of the corridor, turn right and ride the boat over the waterfall. Now jump out of the boat and swim down to the bottom of the room and get SECRET #2!!! Hooray. Now swim back up into the boat and drive out of the room through the hallway next to the waterfall. Keep going until you exit the hall. Jump out of the boat to the left. Swim down to the left and

you should find some ammo. Now get back in the boat and keep driving until you get to the wall. Now turn left and keep going until you hit a deck. Turn right and drive the boat into the little room. Jump out of the boat and swim out of the little room and climb onto the deck. Draw your weapons and shoot the rat. Now shoot out the window and shoot the guy inside. Go into the room and pull the lever on the wall to your right. Turn around and go to the other side of the room. Pick up more ammo. Now go back out the window and climb the ladder on your left. Climb up into the new room and jump into the water. Turn around and pull the lever in the water. This opens the doors at the end of the room so you can drive the boat.
Get into the boat. Drive the boat out of the room and go to the left. Go around corner and jump out of the boat. Climb up onto the wooden deck. Then climb up onto the higher part of the deck and face the red canopy. Jump onto the canopy. Go to the right end of the canopy and jump across to the bridge. Now back flip off the bridge back onto the red canopy. Shoot the bat welding guy and the dog from
a safe distance. Jump back onto the bridge and go right. Shoot the new guy. Get the stuff from the first dead guy and get the key from the second dead guy. Go forward and use the key on the lock by the door. Go into the new room and go right. Drop down into the hole in the floor. Turn around and pull the switch on the far wall. Climb back up into the top room. Draw your weapons and shoot the guy that will either be in the room with you or right outside the door. Go back to the bridge and jump off onto the deck from the right side of the bridge. Shoot the guy that is farther down the canal. You might have to wait for him to get close enough for you to hit him.
Now go back and get into the boat. Drive it forward again. Refer to the picture on the right for the following. Drive the boat down the canal. Use turbo and before it hits the mines in the water jump out. The boat will keep going forward and destroy the mines so you can leave the level later. Swim back and get in the new boat. Drive it forward until you get to the wall and then go left.
Go forward until you reach another wall then turn left again. Go forward until you get to yet another wall and now turn right. Go forward one more time and crash through the gondolas and keep going until you get to the fence. Jump out of the boat and climb up onto the deck. Watch out!!! A bat welding guy comes out of the door swinging. Kill him however you can. Now go into the room and shoot the two rats. Pull the lever on the left wall. Go back out of the room and get into the boat.
Turn the boat around and go forward. Take the first left. At the end of the little alley go left yet again until you get to the wooden steps. Refer to the picture. Get out of boat and climb out onto the steps. Go into the room and pick up the key that is on the floor. Now climb up the wall and go through the hole in the ceiling. Shoot the dog and the bat welding guy. Then pull the lever
on the far wall. Now line up Lara with the crack in the right door. Shoot the guy as he comes into Lara's view. Lara will automatically aim at him when he does. It will take a minute but eventually he will die and you won't get hurt. This method is slow but safe. Once the guy is dead, jump down into the water and get back into the boat. Turn around and go forward to the wall. Turn left, go forward to wall and turn right. Go forward to the wall again and turn left and then right. Go forward until you get to the wall and turn right again. Go past the wooden deck and under the bridge until you get to the steps on your left. Jump out of the boat and climb up onto the steps. Use the key on the lock at the top of the steps. Draw your weapons and shoot the guy in the room. He's tough, so be careful. Now go into the room and up the steps. Turn around and pull the switch on the wall above and beside the door. Go back and get into the boat. Turn and go through the newly opened gate across from the steps. Go forward until the end and then turn left and then right and go forward again. Take the first right. Go down the small alley and turn left at the end. Go forward until you get to the wall and turn left AGAIN. Go forward and turn right into the open doorway. Quickly jump out of the boat and get onto land where Lara can draw her weapons. Kill the guy at the back of the room. Now exit the room and swim to the ramp across from the room you left.
Walk up onto the ramp. Now, run up the ramp and shoot out the window. Walk into this new room and get SECRET #3. Pick up the little green dragon and exit the room. Go back down the ramp and go back into the room where the boat is. Swim to the back of the room and pick up the ammo from the dead guy. Now push the button on the back wall and get
back into the boat. Drive the boat out of the room by using the ramp that is in the room. Once outside the room, line up the boat with the big ramp that leads up to where you found secret #3. Using the turbo key, drive the boat up the ramp, through the little room, and out the other side like some kind of Indiana Jones or something. Keep going forward. Go through the open gate. At the end of this little alley way turn right. Go through the open doors at the end and you will have finished the level. Now on to Bartoli's Hideout...

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All content © 1998 by Heath "Mr. Wolf" Fowler.

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