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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

The Deck ...continued

Enter the Stern Key
Use the Stern Key, pass through the doorway, and drop into the water. Hug the right wall tightly and search for a submerged lever. When you pull it, you release a trapdoor deep in the alcove to the left of the box formation. Exit the Stern Key building, hang a right, and leap into the huge copper alcove. Veer right and make your way to the off-color trapdoor. Drop in and run to the far end of the narrow corridor. Climb the ladder you find and pull the switch at the top. The water in the Stern Key room has been drained.

Return to the insides of the Stern Key building and find the box at the very, very back of the last large room. Pull it out. What do you know? A secret tunnel.

You emerge on the other side of the giant propeller. If you've ever wondered how a rodent feels when she makes her way through a maze, you're about to find out what it's like now. That is, after you make it through the water room.

Wade into the water, and keep close to the left wall as you swim. Pull yourself up to the platform, dispatch the thug and fish for frogmen. Take stock of the raft - that's where you're going next, though you can't climb aboard from the water. However, you can get to the mission's first secret from here.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 1

Leave the box area by making your way down the rocky shore, the water to your right. You'll eventually enter a passage. Pause when you get part way down the white, sandy tunnel (next to huge, well-lit alcove in the left wall). This alcove turns into a tunnel that, via a series of climbs and jumps, leads up to the top of The Deck. Well, almost the top. You'll see… For now, though, make a mental note of this location then press onward through the sandy tunnel.

In the small room at the end of the tunnel, you'll come to hole in the floor and a Large Medi Pack. This odd pairing is a big hint. Max your heath, drop backward down the hole, grabbing the ledge. The raft is below. Release so that you fall onto the tallest box. (There's no way around taking damage in this fall; the trick is to minimize it.)

The Deck, continued...

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