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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Living Quarters …continued

Making Impossible Jumps the GameSpot Way
After you put down the wrench-swinging thug who comes out to play, you can continue down the far hall or pause for secret number two.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 2

Once through the far hall, stop at the top of the long wooden ramp and note the unstable-looking floorboards. Jump as you slide and you'll elegantly avoid the trap. Blast the fish before you wade through the pool, and continue on. However, one more secret waits, that is, if you will.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 3

Past the pool, head for the sloped tall structure. You're going to go between the sloped pillar and the long center structure. Know ahead of time, too, that the floor will give way. As soon as you make the jump to the shaky floor, jump up to grab the center structure. Then shimmy right and pull yourself up. If you don't make it, and the floor collapses, it's no big loss. Simply jump to the next area, dash up the ramp, jump onto the slope, then leap to grab the ledge. Hold on and shimmy like a pro.

In the next area, the red carpet room, wax your foes and run up the ramp to the balcony area. Dash to the end and locate the box. Pull it back one square, then return to the railing and leap over, guns blazing. Make your way to the far end of the black and white room and battle the baddies. As soon as your foes are history you can do one of two things: You can take the easy way out or take the GameSpot way out. Read them both and decide for yourself.

The easy way goes like this: Drop down to the pit beneath the exit doorway, pull the box in the far-left corner to reveal the Theatre Key. Return to the lower level of the balcony area, climb the steps, and use the key to enter the Theatre itself. Once inside you can jump into the balcony on the right side of the stage and pull a knife switch inside to draw open a portion of curtain. Then go backstage, pull a box out one square, jump up and drop into the dark pit, jump over the trench and locate the button in the shadows beyond. Hit the button to flood the pit by the exit. Return to the flooded pit and exit the mission.

The GameSpot way goes like this: Just for fun, kill all the bad guys in the Theatre (for a 100 percent kill score) and explore a little. We find the button to flood the pit, but we don't push it. Instead we return to the still-dry pit and set up a totally pro jump to end the mission. We aim for the extreme corner of the launch point (jumping with her right foot) and the left corner of the doorway, hitting the grab at the last moment.

Screenshot Screenshot Yes, you can make it. And this is the launch point.

Don't believe us? Check out our Tomb Raider II Official Video Hint Guide, and let Ryan show you how it's done.

Next Stop: The Deck

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