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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Offshore Rig …continued

Yellow Pass Card
Once you've dealt a fatal blow to your favorite henchmen, fleece the bad guy who carried the gun. Near his body you'll find the Yellow Pass Card. This is your ticket to the next part of the mission.

Screenshot ScreenshotA dead bad guy. The Yellow Pass Card. The Yellow Pass Card Lock. Three great things that go great together.

Use the Yellow Pass Card to enter the previously locked hallway, and turn off the alarm via the switch you'll find at the top of the T-intersection. Turn right from the switch and battle your way to the room with the long ramp.


The real trick to survival here, at least until you get your hands on some real firepower, is to pick up more health (in the form of Medi Packs) than any hurt the bad guys deal out.

Once the action subsides, open the hatch to the right of the ramp and enter the bunkroom area. Roust any sleeping beauties, then search the various rooms and bunks for items - most notably the Automatic Pistols and Harpoon Gun.

To escape this area, stand at the doorway inside the bunkroom, such that you're facing out. Turn right and climb up. Hit the switch you find to release the timed trapdoor in the ceiling at the end of the bunkroom. Turn during the cutscene, and drop to the floor. Head toward the trapdoor, hugging the right-side bunks. Turn right when you get to the end and jump up. Spin around on the ledge, then leap up and grab the ledge above. Do it fast enough, and the trapdoor will close just as you pull yourself up.

Once in the passageway, stop at the top edge of the slide. Turn around at the top of the slide and step backward onto it. Ride it down with your grab button pressed. Hey! A ladder. After you've limbed safely down, pull the boxes out of the wall opposite the fire pads. Maneuver the boxes such that one is butted up to the fire pad, just across from the ladder (life will be much easier if you start this sequence by moving the right box first). It's an easy jump out to the ladder from the top of the box.

Offshore Rig, continued…

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