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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Opera House

This is the last mission in Venice. Make no mistake, it's a killer. Our advice is pretty simple here: Don't touch anything that swings (bad guys or boxes), don't walk through anything sharp, and keep a safe distance from the edges of dark pits. It's worth noting that you will lose all of your weapons at the close of the level - though oddly enough not your ammo or supplies. We won't spoil it for you and tell you why you experience such a fate. We'll just get you to the end of the level, and let you discover that for yourself.

Punching Tickets
From the opening platform, carefully step left around the box and walk to the edge of the platform. Turn left to face the long white platform beyond.

Screenshot ScreenshotCarefully work your way around the edges and stand here. Get ready to run for it.

Hit the down-arrow key as soon as you see the swinging box hit the apex of its swing. Then run, jump, and grab the edge of the long white platform. Run, jump, and grab the edge of the long white platform. Halfway down, turn right and leap to the ledge on the other side of the water. Take the ladder down to the platform, turn around, then look up. Aha. A hidden platform. Walk up to the ledge to jump up and grab it. When you pull the switch on the left wall, you open access to the first Ornate Key in this mission. Retrace your jumps back to the swinging box platform and get ready for another jump.

Screenshot ScreenshotThe Ornate Key is dead ahead. Once you acquire it, make your way back here. Note yon window below the box.

Once you've won the battle over the Ornate Key and have climbed the stairs, you'll find yourself on a very familiar switch platform. Again, jump back to the swinging box platform.

Stand to the right of the box and jump to the flat ledge, then cartwheel-jump left to the slanted roof. Hit the grab button as soon as she starts to slide. Then shimmy left to the flat area. Once you drop down, turn Lara 90 degrees to the left, such that her back is to the water. Perform a sideways jump onto the roof, and again, hit the grab button as soon as she touches down. Work her along the overhang such that the window is directly below her. Release her and immediately hit the grab button again - do it right and she'll grab the window's sill. Pull her up, shoot out the window, and carefully, and casually, walk in. Walk her through the deadly razor trap and stroll to the ladder in the far-left corner.

Opera House, continued…

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