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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Bartoli's Hideout …continued

Deadly Venetian Crystal
Grab your guns as soon as you turn the corner past the flames. Let the door open and snipe the bad guy and dogs from the ledge. Drop down when the coast is clear, and head for the short end of the closest sheet-covered ramp. It's time to find out why Venice is so famous for its crystal. Or in this case, infamous. Acquiring this key is the ultimate objective in this room, and it goes like this:

Screenshot ScreenshotGetting through the chandelier room starts here.

Walk to the top edge of the sheet-covered incline. Jump up, grab the chandelier, and pull yourself up. Walk to the far edge, turn around, and get ready for some death-defying running, jumping, and grabbing.

Screenshot ScreenshotThe centerpiece of this area are these stunning crystal chandeliers. Once you master jumping from one light fixture to the next, navigating this room will be a snap. The switch above opens a trapdoor in the back of the fireplace. Though you can get to it from here, save it for last.

Put your heels against the edge of each chandelier before starting your run, jump, and grab. From the middle chandelier, turn right and leap to the switch platform. Pull it and the painting on the wall to the right of the fireplace will open, revealing the Library Key.

Return to the middle chandelier, and continue up to the top platform. Hook right and make your way to the edge of the brick platform, such that the large ceiling beam is directly above you. Stand on the extreme right edge of the platform, then jump up to grab the beam. Shimmy to the right, down the length of the beam, then pull yourself up. Jump across to the platform and get out your guns. A bad guy awaits.

Once you've settled the score, climb onto the brickwork and turn right to face the heavy ceiling beam. Stay on the right edge of the brickwork and jump to the beam. Pull the switch - the chandeliers are now reversed. Drop down to the closest chandelier and simply hop-jump to the lowest one. Turn left - the Library Key is a run, jump, and grab away.

Screenshot ScreenshotThe Library Key awaits its master.

Work your way back up to the middle chandelier, turn right, and angle-jump to the platform. When you pull this switch, the trapdoor in the back of the fireplace opens. Simply blast through the window to your left, follow the ledge to the opening, and drop down. The Library - and a secret - awaits.

You can use the Library Key now, or you can go for the secret. However, if you skip the secret now, you won't be able to go back for it later.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 2

Bartoli's Hideout, continued…

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