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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

Venice …continued

Venetian Hospitality, Part 2
Drive the speedboat through the sewer room and leave it under the big lever.

Screenshot ScreenshotThis ride has come to an end. Behind the window to the left is a switch that grants you access to the lever ahead. Park the boat right under the lever. You'll need it where you're going.

After you've downed the bad guys and worked the switch inside the building, go to the top of the ladder. Now aren't you glad you moored that boat here? Duck under the boat, pull the lever, and voilavoila ! Venice!

Speed out of the wide passageway, turn left, and follow the canal to the three gondolas. Climb onto the dock before you smash the gondolas, and use the automatic pistols to quickly cap the bad guy who stands guard on the far platform, on the other side of the canal. Jump over the gondolas, grab the red awning, and work your way to the arched bridge - just watch out for ambushes. Once the action dies down, fleece the white-shirted assassin for the Steel Key.

Screenshot ScreenshotUse the Steel Key to open this door. You're just that much closer to total powerboating madness.

Pull the knife switch inside the building, then go back to your powerboat. Note the water mines and the big door beneath the large clock face behind the boat. Open those doors and you can exit the level. But you need to get rid of those mines first….

Take your boat of choice toward the minefield, and jump out at the last moment. You'll know it if you've done it right. Hop into the other powerboat, speed over the remains of the three gondolas, and take your first two left turns. Get out of the boat and abuse the lone assassin on the platform (to get him out of the way and to acquire his Large Medi Pack).

Once the assassin is down, take the boat to the platform where the two gondolas are moored. Battle your way into the room and pull the switch. But before you go to those double doors you just opened, how about another secret?

Secret ScreenshotSecret 3

Venice, continued…

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