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Tomb Raider II Survival GuideWalk-through
IntroductionBefore You Go...Guns and Bad GuysWalk-throughCheatsContents

The Great Wall

In the big scheme of Tomb Raider II, this first mission is really a tutorial. If you didn't bother to perfect your running, jumping, and swimming skills in Lara's Home, take the time to do it early on here. If you're foolhardy enough to press on without practice, we guarantee you will make a misstep that results in a gruesome death. So hold on to your choppers, here we go.

Let the Games Begin!
Once the helicopter drops you off, splash through the pool. As soon as you get your feet wet, a tiger appears behind you. Being a cat, he won't wade in to play. This, of course, means you ought to cool off the big cat from the safety of the water. Staying out of harm's way while you pound the bad guys isn't cheating: Consider this your first lesson in using the environment to your advantage - not to your enemies'.Continue through the water, hook around to the left, approach the wall, and jump up. Head for the far-left edge of the incline. A simple hop-jump is exactly what you need to get you to the square platform beyond. Hop onto the next ledge, and work your way around. The first secret of the game is near.

Secret ScreenshotSecret 1

Whether or not you picked up the secret trophy, work your way to the tall platform below the building. Look up to your left - you should see an opening in the wall. That's where you're going. Leap to the platform below the hole in the wall and perform your next chin-up.

Hook into the near-right corner and step on the grating. Swim toward the door and get out of the water. With your back to the door, the hole you dropped through is in the far-left corner of the ceiling. The switch to open the door is in an alcove in the far-right corner. Head up the steps and get ready for your first run-jump-grab trick. Hit your grab button when she's begun her downward arc to complete the puzzle.


This is a good place to practice your run-jump-grab routine. You'll be doing a lot of this type of move, and the only penalty here for missing your grab is a dunk in the water. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing: If your swimming skills leave something to be desired this is one of the safest places to earn your fins.

The Great Wall, continued…

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