I enjoy teaching to students, and have done so in several occasions. The following lists only the courses where I have been the responsible; I previously taught as a teaching assistant in numerous occasions.
University of Chile
- CC 1001 - Computación 1 (October 2011, March 2012, August 2013)
- CC 6404 - Seminario de Mineria de Repositories de Software (October 2011, October 2012)
- CC 4401 - Ingeneria de Software (March 2011, March 2012, October 2012, March 2013, August 2013, March 2014)
- CC 74B - Investigación Empirica en Ingeniería de Software (August 2013)
- CC 68S - Seminario Calidad y Evolución de Software (August 2010, with A. Bergel)
University of Lugano
- SA1 - Software Atelier 1 (2009)
Summer Schools and Tutorials
- Effective Mining of Software Repositories - ICSM 2011 (Tutorial)
- Mining Software Repositories - PL 2009 (Invited lecture)