Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Faculty of Computer Science - Bachelor in Applied Computer Science
Introduction to Programming - A.A. 2004/2005

Exam exercise
Class Wardrobe

We want to manage information on a wardrobe. Each clothing item in the wardrobe is identified by a code (a string). A Wardrobe can contain an arbitrary number of hooks, numbered sequentially starting from 0. Each hook in the wardrobe can be empty or occupied by an item. The Wardrobe objects support the following functionalities:

Part 1. Write a Java class Wardrobe to represent Wardrobe objects.

Solution: representation of the objects, skeleton of the class, class Wardrobe

Alternative solution: representation of the objects, skeleton of the class, class Wardrobe2

Part 2. Realize a static method saveItemAssignment, client of the class Wardrobe that, given a wardrobe g and the name f of a file, writes on the file f, one per line, the number of the hook and the code of the item that occupies it, for all occupied hooks in the wardrobe g.


Alternative solution

Part 3. Describe how memory is managed when methods are activated and when their activation terminates. Specifically, describe how parameter are passed and how the return value is returned. Illustrate the mechanism of memory management on the example of the activation of x = factorial(3); in a method main, where x is a local variable of main and factorial is a method, implemented using recursion, to calculate the factorial of a nonnegative integer.