Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Faculty of Computer Science
Bachelor in Computer Science

Introduction to Databases

Lectures in A.Y. 2019/2020

Prof. Diego Calvanese


Course parts and corresponding teaching material

All slides are available to unibz students in the OLE system.
[LN1] Introduction to databases
[LN2] The relational model
[LN3] The SQL language
[LN4] Database access via software
[LN5] Conceptual database design
[LN6] Logical-physical database design

Summary table

Week Topic Tuesday
30 Sep.
Relational model
Introduction to DBMSs, relational model
(Lec 1,2)
Constraints in the relational model
(Lec 3,4)
7 Oct.
Relational Algebra Relational Algebra operations
(Lec 5,6)
Relational Algebra: examples, outer joins
(Lec 7,8)
Ex. on Relational Algebra and RA
(Ex 1,2)
14 Oct.
The SQL language Data definition in SQL
(Lec 9,10)
Simple queries in SQL
(Lec 11,12)
Ex. on simple queries in Postgres
(Ex 3,4)
21 Oct.
Complex queries in SQL Aggregation operators and grouping
(Lec 13,14)
Nested queries and inline views
(Lec 15,16)
Ex. on complex queries in Postgres
(Ex 5,6)
28 Oct.
Programming with SQL Constraints, transactions, and PL/pgSQL
(Lec 17,18)
(Lec 19,20)
Ex. on DML and transactions
(Ex 7,8)
18 Nov.
Conceptual database design Intro to DB design. Conceptual modeling
(Lec 21-22)
Ex. on Transactions and JDBC
(Ex 9,10)
ER model: relations, roles, ISA
(Lec 23-24)
2 Dec.
Conceptual database design Generalization on entities
(Lec 25-26)
ISA on rels, cardinality constraints
(Lec 27-28)
Identification constraints
(Lec 29-30)
16 Dec.
Conceptual database design Ex. on conceptual design
(Ex 11,12)
External constraints, documentation
(Lec 31-32)
Conceptual design methodology. Logical design
(Lec 33-34)
16 Dec.
Logical database design Restructuring of the ER schema
(Lec 35-36)
Ex. on restructuring the ER schema
(Ex 13,14)
6 Jan.
Logical database design Direct translation into the relational model
(Lec 37-38)
Restructuring of the logical schema
(Lec 39-40)
Ex. on direct translation to the relational model
(Ex 15,16)
13 Jan.
Logical database design Ex. on restructuring of the logical schema
(Ex 17,18)
Ex. on database design
(Ex 19,20)


Week 1: Introduction and relational model

Lectures 1,2 - 1/10/2019

Lectures 3,4 - 3/10/2019

Week 2: Relational Algebra

Lectures 5,6 - 8/10/2019

Lectures 7,8 - 10/10/2019

Exercises 1,2 - 11/10/2019

Week 3: The SQL language

Lectures 9,10 - 15/10/2019

Lectures 11,12 - 17/10/2019

Exercises 3,4 - 18/10/2019

Week 4: Complex queries in SQL

Lectures 13,14 -22/10/2019

Lectures 15,16 - 24/10/2019

Exercises 5,6 - 25/10/2019

Week 5: Programming with SQL

Lectures 17,18 - 29/10/2019

Lectures 19,20 - 31/10/2019

Exercises 7,8 - 5/11/2019

Week 6: Conceptual database design

Lectures 21,22 - 19/11/2019

Exercises 9,10 - 19/11/2019

Lectures 23,24 - 20/11/2019

Week 7: Conceptual database design

Lectures 25,26 - 3/12/2019

Lectures 27,28 - 4/12/2019

Lectures 29,30 - 5/12/2019

Week 8: Conceptual database design

Exercises 11,12 - 17/12/2019

Lectures 31,32 - 18/12/2019

Lectures 33,34 - 19/12/2019

Week 9: Logical database design

Lectures 35,36 - 19/12/2019

Exercises 13,14 - 20/12/2019

Week 10: Logical database design

Lectures 37,38 - 7/1/2020

Lectures 39,40 - 8/1/2020

Exercises 15,16 - 10/1/2020

Week 11: Logical database design

Exercises 17,18 - 16/1/2020

Exercises 19,20 - 17/1/2020

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Last modified: Sunday, 1-Dec-2019 20:11:26 CET