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Exercise 07.1 Write a method static double scalarProduct(double[] A, double[] B) that calculates the scalar product of two arrays A and B, assuming they have the same length. We recall that the scalar product of A and B is obtained as the sum of the products A[i]*B[i], for all i, with 0 < = i < A.length.

Exercise 07.2 Write a method static int[] intersection(int[] A, int[] B) that returns a new array containing the intersection of two arrays A and B, i.e., exactly those elements that are present both in A and in B (independently of their position). We may assume that A and B do not contain duplicates, i.e., elements that appear more than once in the array.

Exercise 07.3 Write a method static double[][] transposeMatrix(double[][] M) that returns a new matrix that is the transpose of the matrix M. We recall that the transpose of a matrix M is obtained by exchanging the rows with the columns, which corresponds to exchange M[i][j] with M[j][i], for each pair of valid indexes i and j.

Exercise 07.4 Write a method, static int[] matrixSumColumns(int[][] M), that takes as parameter a matrix and returns an array with one element for each column of the matrix; the element of index i of the array must be equal to the sum of the elements of column i of the matrix.

Exercise 07.5 Write a predicate static boolean equalArrays(int[] A, int[] B) that returns true if the two arrays A and B are equal (i.e., A[i] is equal to B[i], for each i), and false otherwise.

Exercise 07.6 A duplicate in an array is a value that appears more than once as element of the array. Write a method static int numberOfDuplicates(int[] A) that returns the number of distinct duplicates in the array A. Write also a method static int numberOfDistinctValues(int[] A) that returns the number of distinct values in the array A.

Exercise 07.7 Write a method static int[] removeDuplicates(int[] A) that returns a new array obtained from A by removing all duplicates. The duplicates should be removed by keeping only the first occurrence of each distinct element, and shifting remaining elements upwards when a duplicate is removed.

Exercise 07.8 What does the following method calculate?

public static int mystery(int[] A) {
  int x = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++)
    if (A[i] % 2 == 1) x++;
  return x;

Exercise 07.9 A matrix M is said to be symmetric if it is square (i.e., has the same number of rows and columns) and M[i][j] is equal to M[j][i], for each pair of valid indexes i and j. Write a predicate static boolean symmetric(int[][] M) that returns true if the matrix M is symmetric, and false otherwise.

Exercise 07.10 A matrix M is said to be lower triangular if all elements M[i][j] with i<j (i.e., that are "above" the main diagonal) are equal to 0. Write a predicate static boolean lowerTriangular(int[][] M) that returns true if the matrix M is lower triangular, and false otherwise.

Exercise 07.11 A matrix M is said to be diagonal if all elements M[i][j] with i different from j (i.e., that are not on the main diagonal) are equal to 0. Write a predicate static boolean diagonal(int[][] M) that returns true if the matrix M is diagonal, and false otherwise.

Exercise 07.12 Realize a Java class Apartment, whose objects maintain the following information: an integer that indicates the size in square meters of the apartment, the address, and a list of maximal 10 names of persons that live in the apartment. Each person living in the apartment has an associated number between 0 and the number of persons currently living in the apartment minus 1. The class should export the following functionalities:

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