Free University of Bolzano/Bozen
Faculty of Computer Science - Bachelor in Applied Computer Science
Bachelor in Production Engineering

Home page of the course
Introduction to Programming

A.Y. 2006/07

Prof. Diego Calvanese


Course presentation form

Objectives. The objective of the Introduction to Programming course is to teach the fundamental principles of programming, making use of the typical aspects of the object-oriented, functional, and imperative programming paradigms. Such basic principles are presented by referring to the Java programming language.

Prerequisites. There are no specific prerequisites. Basic notions of mathematics and set theory will be used.

Teaching material.

[1] Lecture Notes for Introduction to Programming. Diego Calvanese. Available on the course web page.
[2] Absolute Java. Walter Savitch. Addison Wesley. 2nd edition 2005.

Exam according to the Old Study Plan (6 CFU)

Students that have to take the Introduction to Programming exam according to the Old Study Plan, which gives 6 CFU (instead of 8 CFU) will sit the exam on a reduced syllabus:

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Last modified: Sunday, 7-Oct-2007 10:30:46 CEST