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Example of evolution of the stack of activation records

Let us consider the following methods main, A, and B and see what happens during the execution of the main method.

public static int B(int pb) {
  /* b0 */ System.out.println("In B. Parameter pb = " + pb);
  /* b1 */ return pb+1;

public static int A(int pa) {
  /* a0 */ System.out.println("In A. Parameter pa = " + pa);
  /* a1 */ System.out.println("Call of B(" + (pa * 2) + ").");
  /* a2 */ int va = B(pa * 2);
  /* a3 */ System.out.println("Again in A. va = " + va);
  /* a4 */ return va + pa;

public static void main(String[] args) {
  /* m0 */ System.out.println("In main.");
  /* m1 */ int vm = 22;
  /* m2 */ System.out.println("Call of A(" + vm + ").");
  /* m3 */ vm = A(vm);
  /* m4 */ System.out.println("Again in main. vm = " + vm);
  /* m5 */ return;

For simplicity, we ignore the invocation of the println method, and consider it as if it were a simple statement; moreover, we assume that each statement of the Java source code corresponds to a single statement in the Java bytecode. We also assume that the bytecode is loaded by the JVM in the following memory locations:

% for latex2html
\begin{tabular}[t]{l\vert c\vert l}
300 & b0 &\\
301 & return &\\
302 & \dots &

Output generated by the program:

In main.
Call of A(22).
In A. Parameter pa = 22
Call of B(44).
In B. Parameter pb = 44
Again in A. va = 45
Again in main. vm = 67

Evolution of the stack of ARs:

% for latex2html
...{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\raisebox{0mm}[5mm]{5}}

To understand what happens during the execution of the code, it is necessary to refer, in addition to the stack of ARs, to the program counter (PC), whose value is the address of the next Java bytecode statement to execute.

We analyze in detail what happens when A(vm) is activated from the main method. Before the activation, the stack of ARs is as shown in 1 in the above figure:

  1. The actual parameters are evaluated: in our case, the actual parameter is the expression vm, whose value is the integer 22.
  2. The method to execute is determined based on the number and types of the actual parameters, by looking for the definition of a method whose signature corresponds to the invocation (the name of the method must be the same, and the actual parameters must correspond in number and types to the formal parameters): in our case, the method to execute must have the signature A(int).
  3. The execution of the calling method is suspended: in our case, it is the main method.
  4. The AR is created for the current activation of the called method: in our case, the AR for the current activation of A is created; the AR contains:
  5. The values of the actual parameters are assigned to the corresponding formal parameters: in our case, the formal parameter pa is initialized to the value 22.
  6. The return address in the AR is set to the address of the next statement in the calling method that must be executed at the end of the current invocation: in our case, the return address in the AR for the activation of A is set to the value 104, which is the address of the statement m4 of main, to be executed when the activation of A will be finished; the AR at this point is as shown in 2 in the above figure.
  7. The address of the first statement of the invoked method is assigned to the program counter: in our case, the address 200, which is the address of the first statement of A, is assigned to the program counter.
  8. The next statement indicated by the program counter is executed (this is the first statement of the invoked method): in our case, the statement at address 200, i.e., the first statement of A.

After these steps, the statements of the called method, in our case of A, are executed in sequence. Specifically, if the method contains itself method calls, such methods will be activated and executed, and will terminate. In our case, the method B will be activate and, executed, and will terminate, with a mechanisms analogous to that for method A; the stack of ARs evolves as shown above in 3 and 4.

Let us now analyze in detail what happens when the activation of A terminates, i.e., when the statement return va+pa; is executed. Before the execution of this statement, the stack of ARs is as shown in 4 in the figure above (to be precise, the memory location reserved for the return value, indicated with RV in the figure, is initialized the moment the return statement is executed, and not before).

  1. The value stored in the memory location reserved for the return address in the current AR is assigned to the program counter: in our case, such a value is equal to 104, which is precisely the address, stored in AR, of the next statement in main that should be executed.
  2. If the called method needs to return a value, such a value is stored in a specific memory location in the current AR: in our case, the value 67, which is the result of the evaluation of the expression va+pa, is stored in the memory location indicated with RV, which is suited to contain the return value.
  3. The AR for the current activation is removed from the stack of ARs, and the current AR becomes the one immediately below it in the stack; together with the elimination of the AR from the stack of ARs, the return value, if present, is copied into a memory location of the AR of the calling method: in our case, the AR for the activation of A is removed from the stack, and the current AR becomes the one for the activation of main; moreover, the value 67, stored in the memory location RV, is assigned to the variable vm in the AR of main; the stack of ARs is as shown in 5 in the figure above.
  4. The next statement indicated by the program counter is executed (i.e., the statement specified in step 1): in our case, the statement with address 104 is executed, and this corresponds to continuing the execution of main.

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