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Use of "+" for string concanenation

String concatenation is so common that Java provides a specific abbreviation for using the method concat. Specifically, the expression:

can be rewritten as:
"xxx" + "yyy"


public class JFK {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String  first = "John";
    String  middle = "Fitzgerald";
    String  last = "Kennedy";
    String  initials;
    String  firstInit, middleInit, lastInit;
    firstInit = first.substring(0,1);
    middleInit = middle.substring(0,1);
    lastInit = last.substring(0,1);
    initials = firstInit + middleInit + lastInit;

// or simply
public class JFK2 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String  first = "John";
    String  middle = "Fitzgerald";
    String  last = "Kennedy";
    System.out.println(first.substring(0,1) +
                       middle.substring(0,1) +

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