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teaching:is:assumables-solutions [2024/05/08 16:36] (current)
Franconi Enrico created
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Solutions to the Assumables lab ======
 +===== 5.9 =====
 +The minimal conflicts are: {d}, {e, g} and {h}.
 +===== 5.13 =====
 +//a ← h ⋀ reliable_s1 .\\
 +d ← c ⋀ reliable_s1 .\\
 +e ← d ⋀ reliable_s2 .\\
 +f ← k ⋀ reliable_s2 .\\
 +z ← g ⋀ reliable_s2 .\\
 +j ← reliable_s2 .\\
 +h ← d ⋀ reliable_s3 .\\
 +a ← b ⋀ e ⋀ reliable_s4 .\\
 +b ← c ⋀ reliable_s4 .\\
 +g ← f ⋀ j ⋀ reliable_s5 .\\
 +false ← a ⋀ z .\\
 +c .\\
 +k .\\ //
 +**assumables**: {//reliable_s1, reliable_s2, reliable_s3, reliable_s4, reliable_s5//}
 +===== 5.17 =====
 +**assumables**: {//ok_sc_lg, ok_sc_hg, ok_s1_ant, ok_s2_ant, ok_s2_trans, alive_sc,_no dist//}
 +**integrity constraint**: //false ← no_signal_gc ⋀ get_signal_gc.//
 +//{ok_sc_hg, alive_sc, ok_s1_ant}\\
 +{ok_sc_hg, alive_sc, ok_s2_ant, ok_s2_trans}\\
 +{ok_sc_lg, alive_sc, no_dist}//
 +{ok_sc_hg, ok_sc_lg}\\
 +{ok_sc_hg, no_dist}\\
 +{ok_s1_ant, ok_s2_ant, ok_sc_lg}\\
 +{ok_s1_ant, ok_s2_ant, no_dist}\\
 +{ok_s1_ant, ok_s2_trans, ok_sc_lg}\\
 +{ok_s1_ant, ok_s2_trans, no_dist}//
teaching/is/assumables-solutions.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 16:36 by Franconi Enrico