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MAGIK Meetings Minutes

This document contains meeting minutes based on the discussion about the MAGIK development.


Attendes: Paramita, Ognjen

Topic: Start of the MAGIK 3 implementation

Important Steps (First to Do)

Develop and Implement Controller Modul

  • (First attempt) We will create a external module (a web service) that will have a vector of connections of max size n. Once a new MAGIK instance request a db connection we use this vector as FIFO structure and provide a new connection by killing the oldest one.
    • The problem 1 is that an instance and the controller have to communicate via object reference of new established db connection (but how?)
    • The problem 2 is that even if we have the above described mechanism how we can be sure that the object created with connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props); we can kill? By connection.close()
  • (Second attempt) Use Hibernate for saving and loading on the level of schemas (hopefully it will do all necessary job of closing unused connections for us) - <fc #FF0000>We try this one</fc>


  • Implement proper Hibernate controller that saves on the level of schemas
    • Done within (Second attempt) above

Query Approximizations

  • Develop and implement algorithm that computes specializations of max size k for an incomplete query (TuProlog - to be investigated)
  • Develop and implement algorithm that computes generalization for an incomplete query (DLV)

Integrate VLDB and CIKM version

  • Issue 1: Reasoning with one query at the time (CIKM version) or several queries at once (as in VLDB version)
  • Issue 2: TC Suggestion at the main page or move it to the analytic page with query approximizations
    • Consult Werner
  • First Approach (button-up)
    • TC suggestions on main page (as before)
    • On the main page link to the analytic page

Do Later


  • Constants in TC-statements should be represented with using single-quotes, Done by Alex
    • e.g., pupil('John', '1', 'b'),
    • in other words, instead of convention that a constant is term that starts with a lower-case letter it should be a constant is a term between single quotes
    • Note that a is different from “a” in DLV!!! (change query encoding accordingly to use double quotes)

Look and feel (low priority)

  • Representing TC-statements in a datalog form instead of the current format (consult Werner?).
    • For example, pupil_a(Name,Level,Code) ← pupil_i(Name,Level,Code) , learns_i(Name,'French').
  • Implement JS tables that allow re-arraignment of table raws - up and down. (later)
  • Return coloring and style to the previous version (MAGIK CIKM)

17/05/2013 (Ognjen and Werner)

Try to create a concrete task for Alex that he can work on

  • Double quotes problem?
  • Generalization algorithm?


Attendees: Alex, Ognjen

Topic: Introducing double quotes in the encoding of DLV (Ended in 28 May)

  • Replace constants in SQL (unders single quotes) into double quotes in the CQ version of that query
  • Introduce single quotes constants into TC-statements. Then when they are parsed single quotes are replaced with the double quotes
  • Approach: First test within the JUnit and then implement it in the code

Topic: Generalization algorithm

magik-demo/developer/notes/magik3-meeting-minutes.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/06 15:24 (external edit)