Matching pairs


boolean matchingPairs(int[] A, int s)
   i := 1 
   j := A.length
   while i < j and A[i] + A[j] != s do
                                // (*) = Maintenance Snapshot
      if A[i] + A[j] > s
         then j--
         else i++
   if i >= j 
      then return false
      else return true

Loop invariant:

    LI: For every i'' such that i''<i there is no matching pair for i''
        For every j'' such that j''>j there is no matching pair for j''


    Initialization: (before the loop) 
        Only possibilities are i''=0 and j''> A.length
        And thus trivially there are no matching pairs for i'' and j'' in A

    Maintenance: (at the step (*))

        Assume that at the point (*) we have indexes i and j.

        Assume that in the previous step indexes were i' and j'.

        Now we distinguish cases:

        Case 1: j was decreased in the previous step
                i.e., j=j'-1 and i=i

            From LI we have that LI holds for all j'' such that j ''> j'
            now it remains to show that it also holds for j''= j'.
            That is, there is no matching pair for j'.

            Assume i_j' is a candidate for a matching pair with j'

            We distinguish different possibilities for i_j'

            1. i_j'<i 

                According to LI there is no matching pair for

            2. i_j'=i  

                Since j was decreased in the previous step
                then we know that 
                Since i'=i (i didn't change) then also
                Thus, i is not matching pair for j'

            3. i_j'>i

                Since A is sorted we have that 

                Since A[i']+A[j']>s 

                then it holds 
                    A[i_j'] + A[j'] > s 

                Thus, there is no i_j'>i that is matching pair of j'

            All together, 
            there is no matching pair for j'' s.t. j'' = j' (=j+1), and 
            from LI (of the previous step) 
                no matching pair for j'' s.t. j'' > j'.

            Thus, no matching pair for j'' s.t. j'' > j.

        Case 2: i was increased in the previous step
                i.e., i=i+1 and j=j'

            // Can be shown in the same way as Case 1


        The loop either terminated because:

            - i=j. From LI it means that
                 for each i''<i (=j) there is no matching pair, and 
                 for each j''>j (=i) there is no matching pair.
                 Thus, there is no matching pair in A

            - S[i]+S[j]=s, i.e., matching pair is found


Find closest sum to s


structure Pair

    int i_opt;
    int j_opt;

Pair MatchingPairs(int [] A)

i := 1
j := A.length

i_opt := i
j_opt := j
minDiff := s - A[i_opt] - A[j_opt]

while i<j && A[i]+A[j] != s

    if absolute(s - (A[i]+A[j])) < minDiff
        i_opt := i
        j_opt := j

    if A[i]+A[j] > s
        then j--
        else i++

if A[i]+A[j] = s
    return Pair(i,j)
    else Pair(i_opt,j_opt)

Exact Contiguous Sum

We are given an array of positive integers A and a positive number s.
The question is whether there exists a segment A[i..j] of A
such that the sum of the numbers of this segment equals s.

A[i]+A[i+1]+..+A[j-1]+A[j] = s

Straightforward approach

boolean ContiguousSum(int [] A, s)

  for i := 1 to A.length do
     for j := i to A.length do
        sum := 0
        for k := i to j do
           sum += A[k]
        if sum = s
           then return true
  return false

runtime: cubic

Ideas: …

boolean ContiguousSum(int [] A, s)

  for i := 1 to A.length do
        sum := 0
        for j:= i to n do
            sum := sum + A[j]        
            if sum = s 
                then return true // jumping out the window solution :(
  return false

runtime: quadratic



Algorithm (first attempt):

    boolean ContiguousSum(int [] A, s)

    i := 1
    j := 1

    sum := A[i]

    while i<=n && sum!=s

        while j< n && sum < s     // move j
            sum := sum + A[j]

        if sum > s                // move i
            sum := sum - A[i]
            if i<n                // move i if i<n 
            if i>j                // e.g., when A[j]>s then sum=A[j(=i)]
                j := i

        if sum<s and j=n        // edge case -- find way to solve it
            i : = n+1           // just to exit

    if sum = s 
        then return true
        else return false

Algorithm with a single loop:

   boolean ContiguousSum(int [] A, s)

    i := 1
    j := 1

    sum := A[i]

    while i<=A.length && j<=A.length && sum != s

        if j<=A.length && sum < s                       // move j
            j++                                         // if sum<s and j=n 
            if j<n
             sum := sum + A[j]

        if i<=A.length && sum > s                         // move i
            if i < j
                sum = sum - A[i] 
            else                                          // i >= j  
                sum := A[i]
                j := i

    if sum = s    
        then return true
        else return false

Loop invariant

For every i' < i  
For every j' < j:
For i'<=j'
     A[i']+..+A[j'] != s


sum := A[i]+..+A[j]

perhaps better

For every i' <= i  
For every j' < j:
For i'<=j'
     A[i']+..+A[j'] != s


For every i' < i  
For every j' <= j:
For i' <= j'
     A[i']+..+A[j'] != s


sum := A[i]+..+A[j]

Maximal Integral

We are given an array of integers A (also negative ones)
The question is to find the segment A[i..j] that has the biggest sum
(A[i]+A[i+1]+..+A[j-1]+A[j] = sum).

- like an integral (surface bellow and above)
- how to solve it?
- straight: quadratic
- more optimal approach?



Alg using Divide & Conquer approach:

Structure Inter{
    int ms; // max sum
    int ml; // max left
    int mr; // max right
    int is; // interval sum

Inter MaxContSum(int [] A, int l, int r)

    Inter inter

    if l<r

        int m := (l+r)/2

        lInt := MaxContSum(A,l,m)

        rInt := MaxContSum(A,m+1,r) :=  max(,, := max( +, := max( +, :=

    else  // base case := A[l] := A[l] := A[l] := A[l]

    return inter