 * @author Ognjen Savkovic (ognjen.savkovic@unibz.it)

public class ArrayUtility {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

	//  LAB 1
	 * @param A
	 * @param i
	 * @param j
	 * @return return the maximum element of the array A between position i and j.
	public static int findMax(int [] A, int i, int j){
		int max;                   // max element in A between i and j 
		int	k;                     // counter that ranges from i to j
		max = A[i];                // assume A[i] is max

		for (k=i+1 ; k<=j ; k++)
			if(max<A[k])		// new max is improved here
		return max;
	 * @param A
	 * @param i
	 * @param j
	 * @return return the position of the maximum element of the array A between position i and j.
	public static int findMaxPos(int [] A, int i, int j){
		int max;                // max element in A between i and j 
		int	k;                  // counter that ranges from i to j
		int pos;                // position of max in A

		max = A[i];             // assume A[i] is max
		pos = i;		
		for (k=i+1 ; k<=j ; k++)	
			if(max<A[k]){       // new max is improved here
		return pos;
	 * @param A
	 * @param i
	 * @param j
	 * @return return the minimum element of the array A between position i and j.
	public static int findMin(int [] A, int i, int j){
		int min;                // min element in A between i and j 
		int	k;                  // counter that ranges from i to j
		min = A[i];             // assume A[i] is min

		for (k=i+1 ; k<=j ; k++)
			if(min > A[k])		// new min is improved here
		return min;
	 * @param A
	 * @param i
	 * @param j
	 * @return return the position of the minimum element of the array A between position i and j.
	public static int findMinPos(int [] A, int i, int j){
		int min;                    // min element in A between i and j 
		int	k;                      // counter that ranges from i to j
		int pos=-1;                 // position of min in A

		min = A[i];                 // assume A[i] is min
		for (k=i+1 ; k<=j ; k++)
			if(min>A[k]){           // new min is improved here
		return pos;
	 * @param i
	 * @param j
	 * swap the elements in position i and j in the array A.
	public static void swap(int[] A, int i, int j){
		int tmp;                // auxiliary variable
		tmp = A[i];
		A[i] = A[j];
		A[j] = tmp; 
	 * @param A
	 * @param i
	 * @param j
	 * shift on the right all the elements of the array A starting from position i and until position j 
	 * (i.e., move the element in position k to position k + 1 for all i ≤ k < j).
	public static void shiftRight(int[] A, int i, int j){
         for (int k=j ; k>i ; k--)			// replaces the right element with one the left starting from the end
	 * @param A
	 * @param i
	 * @param j
	 * shift on the left all the elements of the array A from position j until position i 
	 * (i.e., move the element in position k to position k − 1 for all i < k ≤ j).
	public static void shiftLeft(int[] A, int i, int j){
         for (int k=i ; k<j ; k++)		 // replaces the left element with one the right starting from the beginning
	 * @param size
	 * @param min
	 * @param max
	 * @return creates and returns an array of size of random elements 
	 * with values between min and max (use the Math.random() method of java).
	public static int[] createRandomArray(int size, int min, int max){
		int [] randomArray; 		 		// new random array
		randomArray = new int[size];
		for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
			randomArray[i] = (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;	// +1 because Math.random() is in [0,1)
		return randomArray;
	 * @param size
	 * @param min
	 * @param max
	 * @return creates bi-dimensional array with rows rows and cols columns
	 * of random elements with values between min and max (use the Math.random() method of java).
	public static int[][] createRandomMatrix(int rows, int cols, int min, int max){
		int [][] randomMatrix;				// new random matrix
		randomMatrix = new int[rows][cols]; 		
		for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
			randomMatrix[i] = createRandomArray(cols,min,max);	
		return randomMatrix;
	 * @param A
	 * @return return an array that is the copy of A.
	public static int[] copyArray(int[] A){
		int [] copyOfA;								// new array that is copy of A
		copyOfA = new int [A.length];				
		for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++)
		return copyOfA;
	 * @param A
	 * @return a bi-dimensional array that is the copy of A.
	public static int[][] copyMatrix(int[][] A){
		int [][] copyOfA;							// new matrix that is copy of A
		copyOfA= new int [A.length][A[0].length];
		for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++)
			for(int j=0; j<A[i].length; j++)
		return copyOfA;
	 * @param A
	 * @param n
	 * @return the position of the number n in the array A (it returns −1 if n is not present in A).
	public static int findElement(int[] A, int n){
		for (int i=0; i<A.length ; i++)
				return i;
		return -1;						// if program reaches here no n is found

	 * @param A
	 * @param n
	 * @return returns the position of the number q in the sorted array A (returns −1 if q is not present in A).
	 * The method assumes that the array A is sorted, it need not be correct if A is not sorted.
	 * Exploit the fact that the array is sorted to find an efficient algorithm. 
	 * (Remember the Google interview questions!)
	 public static int findInSortedArray(int[] A, int q){
		return searchBin(A,0,A.length-1,q);

	  * @param A sorted array
	  * @param lo lower index 
	  * @param hi higher index
	  * @param q  element 
	  * @return -1 if q is not in A, otherwise returns the position of q in A 
	private static int searchBin(int[] A, int lo, int hi, int q) {
		int middle;							
			return -1;                         // not found
		middle = (lo+hi)/2;                    // take the middle index
			return middle;                     // found !! 
		else if(A[middle]<q)	
			return searchBin(A,middle+1,hi,q); // look at upper part
			return searchBin(A,lo,middle-1,q); // look at lower part

	 * @param A
	 * @param q
	 * @return returns the first position where the number q occurs in the sorted array A 
	 * (returns −1 if q is not present in A).
	 * As before, the method assumes that the array A is sorted and need not be correct if A is not sorted.
	 * Again, exploit the fact that the array is sorted to find an efficient algorithm.
	public static int findFirstInSortedArray(int[] A, int q){
		return searchBinFirst(A,0,A.length-1,q);
	private static int searchBinFirst(int[] A, int lo, int hi, int q) {
		int middle;
			return -1;                         // not found
		middle = (lo+hi)/2;                    // take the middle index
		if(middle==0 || middle==A.length)      // found at the beginning or at the end of the array 
			return middle;
		else if(A[middle]==q && A[middle-1]!=q)
			return middle;                     // found first!! 
		else if(A[middle]<q)	
			return searchBin(A,middle+1,hi,q); // look at upper part
			return searchBin(A,lo,middle-1,q); // look at lower part
	// PART 2

	 * @param A
	 * sorts array A using maxSort algorithm :) by using shiftRight method
	public static void maxSortShiftRight(int[] A){		

		for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++){
			int maxPos = ArrayUtility.findMaxPos(A, i, A.length-1);            // find the position of max element in the unsorted part
			int max = A[maxPos];                                               // keep the max element
			ArrayUtility.shiftRight(A, i, maxPos);						
	 * @param A
	 * sorts array A using maxSort algorithm :) by using Swap method
	public static void maxSortSwap(int[] A){		
		for(int i=0; i<A.length; i++){
			int maxPos = ArrayUtility.findMaxPos(A, i, A.length-1);		// find the position of max element in the unsorted part
			ArrayUtility.swap(A, i, maxPos);							

	// LAB 2

	// Part 1
	//	**Bubble Sort:**
	//    for j := 2 to n do // A[1..j-2] sorted and minimum 
	//        for i := n to j do
	//            if A[i-1] > A[i] then 
	//                swap A[i-1] and A[i]

	 * implements bubbleSort algorithm
	 * @param A
	public static void bubbleSort(int []A){
		for(int j=1 ; j<A.length ; j++ )
			for(int i=A.length-1; i>=j ; i--)
	// Part 2
	// Part 2.1 
	private static int MAX_M = 10; 
	private static int ARRAY_LIMITS = 10; 
	private static long NANOSEC_TO_SEC = 1000000000;
	private static int SEC_LIMIT = 5;
	public static int findMinMBubbleSort(){
		int m=1;                    // minimal m for which sorting of array 10^m takes >5 sec
		for(; m<MAX_M; m++){
			int A[];                // random array
			long startTime;         // start time
			long estimatedTime;     // current time - start time
			A = createRandomArray((int)Math.pow(10,m), -ARRAY_LIMITS,ARRAY_LIMITS);
			startTime = System.nanoTime();
			estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
			if(estimatedTime > SEC_LIMIT*NANOSEC_TO_SEC){
				return m;
		return MAX_M;
	public static int N_T = 2;			// n
	public static int MAX_VALUE = 100;
	// method should return running times for each array of size n of 
	// random arrays of sizes 10^i for i=1...m
	// plan 2.1
	// obtain m [DONE]
	//generate T given n and m
	//TODO: generate for each i mean value from T
	public static long [][] GenerateMatrixTBubbleSort(int n, int m){
		long [][] T = new long [m][n];		// matrix that stores running times
		int power = 1;						// i^10
		for(int i=0; i<m; i++){
			power = power * 10;
			for(int j=0; j<n; j++){
				int [] randArray;			// random array of size 10^i
				long startTime;				// start time
				long estimatedTime;			// current time - start time
				randArray = createRandomArray(power, -MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE);
				startTime = System.nanoTime();
				estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
				T[i][j] = estimatedTime;
		return T;