Data Structures and Algorithms 2016/17
This is the homepage for the course Data Structures and Algorithms for 1st year students.
It will grow over time, as we are progressing with the course during the semester.
You will find here information about the course and various pointers to useful resources.
Lectures: Slides and lecture notes
Labs: Exercises and sample solutions
Coursework: Weekly assignments
Announcements of exams and exam marks
Starting from 27 March 2017, there will be a tutorial on Data Structures and Algorithms,
held by Mikel Grabocka, each Monday, from 4pm to 6pm, in room E4.31.
Mikel is a 2nd-year BSc student.
His tutorial is intended to give additional help to students, to train how to solve exercises
and to clarify open questions.
Of course, lecturer and teaching assistants are as well available for help.
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