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I am Alessandra Melonio, a post-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
My research area fits in Human Computer Interaction and Interaction Design with applications in Technology Enhanced Learning. In particular, my research interest is in smart interactive gamified solutions, co-designed with adults and children.
My research
My research investigations lay at the intersection of Human Machine Interaction and Interaction Design. In particular, my research interests focus on user experience methods for (co-) designing novel learning contexts, e.g., smart schools, or solutions, e.g., smart games and interactive products. During my PhD ... read more
Currently, I am working with an interdisciplinary team for designing and evaluating solutions together. In particular, with those studies, I acquired and refine time by time, a good and valuable experience both in the design and the execution of studies at school with children.
On April 2016 I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. During my Ph.D. I focussed on co-designing digital games for and with children. Recently, I designed and ecevuted several case studies concerning with the gamification of school contexts with interactive non-invasive gamified objects, augmented with hidden Arduino micro-controllers, sensors and actuators.
In 2011, I obtained a MSc degree in Computer Science and Automation Engineering studying at University of L'Aquila. I defended my thesis in the area of Human Computer Interaction on Natural Gestures for Eldelry People. Prior to that, during the period 2005-2008, I graduated Computer Science and Automation Engineering at the University of L'Aquila.