• Welcome to my website!

    I am Alessandra Melonio, a post-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.

    My research area fits in Human Computer Interaction and Interaction Design with applications in Technology Enhanced Learning. In particular, my research interest is in smart interactive gamified solutions, co-designed with adults and children. 

  • My research

    My research investigations lay at the intersection of Human Machine Interaction and Interaction Design. In particular, my research interests focus on user experience methods for (co-) designing novel learning contexts, e.g., smart schools, or solutions, e.g., smart games and interactive products. During my PhD ... read more

  • Currently, I am working with an interdisciplinary team for designing and evaluating solutions together. In particular, with those studies, I acquired and refine time by time, a good and valuable experience both in the design and the execution of studies at school with children.

  • On April 2016 I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. During my Ph.D. I focussed on co-designing digital games for and with children. Recently, I designed and ecevuted several case studies concerning with the gamification of school contexts with interactive non-invasive gamified objects, augmented with hidden Arduino micro-controllers, sensors and actuators.

    In 2011, I obtained a MSc degree in Computer Science and Automation Engineering studying at University of L'Aquila. I defended my thesis in the area of Human Computer Interaction on Natural Gestures for Eldelry People. Prior to that, during the period 2005-2008, I graduated Computer Science and Automation Engineering at the University of L'Aquila.