Repository of Textual Smart Games


What follows is documented in the D4.2 and D4.3 technical annex, and quickly recapped in the WP4 review slides.

This page contains the repository of textual components of smart games, referred to as textual smart games for brevity. These are generated automatically from annotated stories, by interleaving automated reasoning and natural language generation technologies or tools. See the generation service.

Repository of Textual Smart Games

The latest repository of enriched annotated stories and of textual smart games for stories, automatically generated, can be downloaded as a single repository zip file.

The last year of the project also saw the consortium placing its efforts on analysing the results of the expert-based evaluation of the automatically generated textual smart games. The analysis guided the new generation of wrong solutions, as outlined in the generation page. Example sentences are downloadable as well.

From Textual Smart Games to Smart Games

The repository of automatically generated textual smart games can then be revised by experts of pedagogy or educators themselves, through the educator GUI of WP6. Examples of manual revisions performed on textual smart games follow.

Examples of revised textual smart games in English, from books 3 and 4, are as follows:

  1. smart games for "The Holiday Begins", story 1, book 3;
  2. smart games for "Dolphin Spotting", story 2, book 3;
  3. smart games for "Ben's Racing Problem", story 1, book 4;
  4. smart games for "Sophie and the Island Dwarf", story 3, book 4.

Similarly, for Italian, we have the following revised textual smart games, from the same stories:

  1. smart games for "The Holiday Begins", story 1, book 3;
  2. smart games for "Dolphin Spotting", story 2, book 3;
  3. smart games for "Ben's Racing Problem", story 1, book 4;
  4. smart games for "Sophie and the Island Dwarf", story 3, book 4.

The textual smart games are then assembled with visual elements in WP6. A demo of the prototype of the system, evaluated in summer, shows example of the resulting full-fledge smart games, as shown in the learner GUI.

The TERENCE project, n. 257410, is funded by the European Commission through the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Strategic Objective ICT-2009.4.2: ICT: Technology-enhanced learning. The contents of the these documents reflects only the authors' view and the European Commission is not liable for it.

Stories, games, images, software components, logos and anything else published and reproduced in this site is of the TERENCE consortium, unless differently specified. It is forbidden to use them for commercial purposes. You can alter, transform, or build upon this work if and only if you received an explicit written permission by the TERENCE consortium to be reached via . You can download, archive, print or share single pages or parts of the web site if and only if you cite the web source properly and attribute the work to the TERENCE consortium.