Boat | Snowmobile

Boat Control

Movement - The boat is controlled with the arrow keys. Simply press the keys in the direction that you want the boat to move.

Turbo - In order to make some jumps it is necessary to use the turbo to make the boat go fast enough. Press the action key and the up arrow to make the boat go really fast.

Not So Turbo - I'm not sure why you would want to go really slow but if you hold down the walk key while driving the boat then the boat will go really slow. Thanks to Rip for that one.

Getting Out of the Boat - of course you eventually have to get out of the boat. Just press one of the side arrow keys and press the jump button. Lara will jump off the boat. This can even be done when the boat is moving (hint, hint ;) )

Snowmobile Control

Movement - The snowmobile is controlled with the arrow keys. Simply press the keys in the direction that you want the snowmobilet to move.

Turbo - In order to make some jumps it is necessary to use the turbo to make the snowmobile go fast enough. Press the action key and the up arrow to make the snowmobilet go really fast.

Not So Turbo - I'm not sure why you would want to go really slow but if you hold down the walk key while manuvering the snowmobile then it will go really slow. Thanks to Rip for that one.

Getting Off of the Snowmobile - Of course you eventually have to get off of the snowmobile. Just press one of the side arrow keys and press the jump button. Lara will stop and get off of the snowmobile.

All content © 1998 by Heath "Mr. Wolf" Fowler.

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