
Level 9 - Living Quarteres

Written by

Jitender Saan

Swim past the opening and do a U-turn to your left to locate a sub-merged lever. Pull it, flip 180 degrees and go towards the opening straight ahead. Try to follow a straight path, if you veer left or right the underwater current will drag you away. Climb out and go in.

You are now in a room with three HUGE pistons. Go left till you are next to the last piston, climb up and drop down to the other side and take the passage you find. At the end of the passage drop into the hole that you find there and get ready to kill some bad guys. Take care before exiting from this area because the moment you step out of here some barrels with come rolling down. Kill the bad guys, step out of the corridor and quickly flip back. Wait till you can hear the rumbling stop and then move out.

Once you have cleared the barrels trap, emerge from the passage and go left into the next room. As you enter the room there will some firepads to the right. Face the firepads and look at the ceiling to your right and you will notice a lever (not a switch mind you, a lever, like the ones you find underwater) which cannot be reached. In the wall above the firepads there is a narrow niche, go up the sliding ramp to make a running jump-grab to this gap and once you are hanging from it above the firepads shimmy right till you have cleared the firepads. Go right and flip the switch to turn off the firepads then take the opening you see on the left wall as you stand facing the switch. Keep following this path till you reach a room with a switch and a hole in the middle of the floor. Flip the switch to change the heights of the pistons then drop down the hole in the floor and take the passage you find there till you reach an opening from where you can jump across to the nearest piston.

Start hopping from one piston to the next and when you reach the last piston in the row look to your right. Yep, it is Secret #1 of the level. Do a running jump and nab the secret and then jump back to the piston and continue into the next area. Some bad guys around here so keep your guns at ready when you jump from the last piston into the long passage directly ahead.

Keep following the passage till you come to a room that doesn't seem to have any openings besides the one from which you just entered. However it does have a moveable block on the right side. Keep pushing this block till a passage is revealed to your left. Take the passage to arrive at yet another block. Push this block and then drop down through the hole in the floor and you are back in the room with the switch to change the piston heights. Flip the switch to once again reverse the pistons and climb up the ladder making your way back to the long passage facing the pistons. Start hopping the pistons again and stop at the last one. Turn right, see that platform, you have to do a running jump-grab to it. Save your game here because the jump is rather tricky. After you have made the jump flip the switch you find here. The room with the firepads is now full of water. Remember that lever high up in the firepad room? Make your way to the room with the firepads and swim up to this lever and yank it with all your might.

Flip around to face the door that was opened by this lever and go through it. Scuba-divers here, so have the harpoon gun handy. Once you arrive in the wide open underwater area go straight and locate a tunnel. Inside the tunnel is a switch that you need to flip. Unfortunately this switch is guarded by some sort of carnivorous underwater animal that doesn't like women to throw switches close to its home. When you enter the tunnel stay close - and I mean VERY close - to the left wall and he won't even get to scratch Lara. Throw the switch and exit the tunnel. On emerging from the tunnel swim up and to your right, there should be a trapdoor open, climb through it.

This is a room with lots of catwalks, well then get on the catwalk with a switch on one end and a closed door on its other end. Flip the switch to open the door and run through it. In the next room if you look straight ahead you will a pit with spikes in it and to your right will be two switches. These switches are timed, quickly pull the one closest to you, then the next one, flip 180 degrees and do a running jump-grab to the ledges above the pit with spikes, shimmy to your right till you can safely let go of the edge. Follow the path to another switch and flip it. This switch will open a trapdoor in the ceiling of room with the catwalks so make your way back to that room.

As you emerge in the catwalk room go to the left uppermost corner where you will find two pillars both sloping inwards at different heights. Stand between these two pillars facing the short one - your back should be touching the taller pillar. Do a standing jump towards the shorter pillar and keep the jump key pressed, Lara will back-flip towards the taller one and when she lands on the taller pillar she will jump again. That is all you have to do, keep the jump key pressed and press the action key when Lara jumps off the slope of the taller pillar. You end up hanging on the ledge above, pull up. Turn around and do another standing jump into the dark air duct and run to the other end. Here you will find a box to your left, if you look to the bottom left of the box you will see a narrow gap. Well you need to move that block to access that so pull the block out once and jump back to the middle section. From here jump into the place from where you just moved the block, then drop and hang from the edge and start shimmying leftwards till you can climb up. Turn leftward and do a running jump-grab to the brownish structure. From here go into the air duct that you can see. Keep following the passage to the end and go left to locate yet another opening and jump through it. A bad guys appears, finish him.

Bad guy dead, take the first opening to your right and you will find a hole in floor in one of the corners. Approach this hole and look up, there is a ledge up there, light a flare and press jump without any direction keys to see it better. When you see it stand exactly opposite the ledge - facing it - and at the edge of the hole at your feet. Do a standing jump-grab and pull up. Run straight and drop down along with the collapsible floor and you have found the Secret #2. WALK through the spikes and jump-grab the edge of the hole and pull up. Exit this room and go right to arrive at the top of a ramp sliding downwards with a collapsible floor in the middle. Its a trap so jump as you slide to avoid falling through the floor, there are spikes under it.

After this go left and at the edge of the knee deep water look down, there is a small square area under water that seems to have yet another collapsible floor. This time however it is not a trap, infact it leads to Secret #3. You once again have the choice of fighting the fish in the water with the harpoon gun or coaxing them to the surface and using your least powerful weapon, the pistols to save ammo. Anyway, step on the collapsible floor then swim through the hole to get the last secret, swim back to continue with the level.

After climbing out of the water go right. You will see a sloped pillar and opposite to it is a niche in the wall going rightwards. You have to jump in the space between the sloped pillar and the structure opposite to it. Oh and when you make the jump you might want to know that the floor on which Lara will land is, again, collapsible. So you dont have a lot of time, jump into the gap in the middle and immediately jump to grab the niche in the wall. Anyway, even if you don't make it don't worry too much, just put your back to the wall with the niche and jump to the open area on your left. Go right and run up the ramp and leap to the sloped pillar and as you slide down time your jump carefully and hang on to the niche. Keep repeating till you are hanging on to the niche, there is no other way to proceed. Shimmy right till you can pull up, drop to the other side and make straight for the dark passage right ahead.

Keep your weapons ready as you enter the room with the red carpet, take the ramp going upwards. As you enter the room after climbing the ramp just look to your left and you will see a sort of balcony and on the ground floor, a block. Go to the end of the room (opposite the entrance) and turn lft till you find a block obstructing the passage, pull it out once then run around and jump over the balcony, time your jump right and you will land on the block taking minimal damage. Drop to the floor, lots of bad guys here so be careful. Run away from the balcony from where you jumped down and go left till you come to a pit, drop in. In the left corner is a block - the only block - that can be moved, pull it out and climb it and jump behind it to get a key. Climb back onto the floor with the black and white tiles and go towards the block under the balcony, as your approach the block take the passage to your left. At the top of the stairs is a lock, you already have the key, so open it and enter the theatre room. Make your way down the stairs towards the stage.

As you face the stage look to your right, there will be a well lit rectangular opening with some bad guys roaming in it. Climb the required steps to get to a height from where you can jump onto this area. Kill the bad guys and go right, at the end you will find a switch in the right wall, flip it and it will open the curtains on the stage. Make your way back to the stage and in the left corner go behind the curtains and turn right. Keep going till you reach an opening to your left and above you, dead ahead is a block, pull it out once and use it to climb into the opening, drop to the floor on the other side, if its too dark, light a flare. Go left and take care to jump over the pit with the spikes, beyond this pit is a switch, flip it make your way back to the pit where you got the key to the theatre room. The pit is now filled with water, dive and swim to the other end, pull out of the water and this level is over.

Jitender Saan G10@Doubt.Com



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