
Level 17 - Dragon's Lair

Written by

Jitender Saan

It is time to settle the score with Mr. Bartoli. This level is very small but very intense. Collect all ammo and medikits that are avaiable. If you are running low on Uzi ammo then save if for the final showdown and fight with other weapons.

For a start jump over the statue of a green guard and into the room beyond. You have done this before in the previous level. The guards are next to switches and flipping these switches will bring them to life. Get going. Once all the green guards are dead use all the switches to open the door going out of this room.

The next room is very dark with lots of annoying pillars and filled with ninjas. Start shooting and jumping. Toss an occassional flare if you keep bumping into the pillars. There are too many of these guys so don't stop to collect anything they leave behind when they die. One of the guys will leave behind a key to the door leading to the next area. Collect the key and all other goodies and go through the door to a big, wide and open area and save your game.

Dead ahead is Bartoli's body lying on a sort of altar or platform. On the four corners around Bartoli are square holes through which you can access a large underwater room that has lots of ammo and stuff lying on the floor. Before going towards Bartoli run along the outer perimeter of this area and take look at the two big doors which are closed. This is your exit from here. Make a note of it.

Approach the body with guns drawn (Uzis highly recommended). When you get close to the body the dragon will appear, a really, really big, fire breathing dragon.

The dragon has one weakness. It can't turn around quickly. So all you have to do is keep shooting and jumping sideways and around so that the dragon has to keep turning towards you. Don't get too close or you will set Lara on fire. If that happens then quickly hop into one of the four holes landing in the water below.

That is all you have to do. Keep jumping to make the dragon turn around and around so that when he unleashes his next breath of fire you are not in its direct path. Eventually the dragon will fall down, apparently dead. You have to go to its under-belly and you will see sparks flying out from there. Just go close to the sparks and press CTRL to take the Dagger of Xian. Remember the opening movie? Where the monk takes the Dagger out of the dragon's stomach? That is exactly what you have to do.

Be quick about it because you have very little time. If you waste too much time the dragon will get up and you will have to shoot it down again. Repeat this process till you get the Dagger.

In a typical Indiana Jones' movie fashion the moment you get hold of the Dagger the whole place will start falling apart. Go to those big doors that you had seen earlier and run like the dickens to make your escape. Enjoy the movie (a lot more interesting than the one in the first Tomb Raider game) and get ready to head for home.

Jitender Saan G10@Doubt.Com



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